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Golden Age of Freedom

Freedom-City setting game
Let’s beat up some Nazis!

  • Set in WW2, Freedomverse. Thus, a Kitchen-Sink setting, but remember Golden Age tendencies.
    • In other words: Pulp heroes, Supers with shtick powers they make as much use of as possible, etc.
  • This is pretty much just a general concept of a game, not so much a specific plot or storyline.
  • Character Creation - Power Level 8, 120 Power Points.
  • Yes, re-enacting the last moment of American glory, and the last fairly-clearly delineated war, in modern history. Plus, Cthulhu might get involved.


There won’t be much in the way of historical accuracy here. I know about as much about WW2 as you know about something you don’t know much about.

  • It’s February, 1942. So far, nothing has changed from the normal timeline.


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