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Niz and Masterminds


Dwellers in the System

Paragons are those who have awakened to an amazing truth. Everyone is inside of a computer system.

  • The Breakout is the moment where a paragon sees the Code. Not everyone can handle it however and plenty of paragons either blank the memory, interpret it as magical writings or the name of God, or some other phenomenon. Others understand to some degree what they saw.
  • Normal people cannot comprehend this truth. Attempting to tell them always results in the Paragon being thought of as odd, probably due to their powers.
  • The real world is active memory, the Imageria is basically stored memory (hard drive). Some believe that beyond the Abyss, a paragon would awaken fully and escape the system.
  • Not all paragons wish to escape, there are many who enjoy the power they wield in the only world they have ever known.
  • Character Creation - make a 50 power point human, then add 100PP to make them a super. Power Level 10.
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