Aberrant Rules Conversion

From Mutantsandniz

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Quantum Pool

Characters may take a ‘quantum pool’ limit on the use of powers. Each power taken this way has a limit on number of uses or duration of use. Activating a power costs 1 quantum, maintaining a power costs 1 quantum per [Power Level of Character] turns. Treat this as a drawback, reducing the cost of any powers taken thus by a fixed number of power points.
25 Quantum = -1pt
10 Quantum = -2pts
5 Quantum = -3pts

Example: Blast (Quantum Bolt) Rank 8 costs 16 power points. If the Quantum Bolt had a limit of 25 shots it would cost 15 power points. 10 shots would cost 14 power points. 5 shots would cost 13 power points.

Recovering - Quantum Pool is recovered at the end of a scene/encounter for every power. A character may also use extra effort to instantly replenish the quantum pool of a power.

Unreliable (Highly Limited Quantum Pool) - Characters can take the Unreliable Flaw (-1/rank to power cost) on powers with extremely limited quantum pools. This flaw allows the character to use the power only 5 times per session as opposed to per encounter uses. Each additional use of the power costs 1 hero point, or gaining 1 point of Taint.


Characters acquire Taint through a variety of means.

  • Extra Effort (Maxing) - In place of suffering fatigue, a character may take a point of temporary Taint to use extra effort. Tainted Extra Effort does not count toward a character’s limit on using extra effort once per action.
  • Power Botch - If a character rolls a natural ‘1’ when using a power they have applied Extra Effort to, they risk gaining Taint. Make a Fortitude Save (even if you are Immune to Fortitude Effects), at a DC of 10 + [Power’s Enhanced Level]. Failure garners the character 1 point of Taint for every application of Extra Effort applied.
  • Madness - In extreme situations, mental stress may cause Taint on its own. The GM may call for a Will save, DC 10 + [the character’s Power Level], modified by the situation. Failure gives the character a point of Taint.

Effects of Taint

Each point of Taint a character gains is added to a pool. Once the pool reaches [Character’s Power Level], the character gains a Rank of Taint. Each Rank of Taint must be used in one of the following ways:

  • Reduce an Ability Score by 1. This reduction is permanent, and that Ability may not be increased with Experience without GM permission.
    • Example - Wisdom 15 becomes Wisdom 14.
  • Gain an ‘Aberration’. The character acquires a Drawback worth one power point. The character does not gain bonus PP or Hero Points for this Aberration.
    • Example - The character’s Skin gains a Metallic Sheen (Protection becomes Obvious, the Noticeable Drawback).
  • Defer the Taint. The character may store this Rank of Taint and allocate its effects later.
    • A character may defer up to 5 Ranks of Taint, at which point all five ranks are spent at once on one of the two previous effects (lowering an Ability by 5, or gaining a 5-point Drawback).
    • Ranks of Taint may be allocated at any time, until rank 5 is reached when they are allocated immediately. This allows a character to end up with a 2-4 point drawback, or lose 2-4 points in an Ability.

Character Creation

Starting Novas are built as follows:
Step 1 - Make a human. 50 Power Points, and a general cap of +5 on - Strength and Constitution Modifiers, Attack, Defense, Toughness. +10 Cap on - Total saving throw modifiers, Skill Ranks, Ability Modifiers (aside from Strength or Constitution).
Step 2 - Nova. Add 70 more Power Points, and increase caps by 3. You are now a Power Level 8 Nova.

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