Main Page
From Mundo Muere
Character Creation
First: create a mortal nWoD character as normal.
Second: Apply Orpheus template.
1. Choose Shade and Lament.
Your Shade must conform to either the Virtue or Vice listed for it. This Virtue or Vice was the deciding factor in what Shade they would take upon becoming a Post Life Entity.
Banshee- Virtue: Charity. Vice: Pride.
Haunter- Virtue: Prudence. Vice: Sloth.
Poltergeist- Virtue: Justice. Vice: Wrath.
Skinrider- Virtue: Temperance. Vice: Lust.
Wisp- Virtue: Hope. Vice: Gluttony.
Phantasm- Virtue: Faith. Vice: Greed.
Marrow- Virtue: Fortitude. Vice: Envy.
Each Lament has it's own special abilities and drawbacks.
Quality: Begins play with 5 extra merit dots.
Drawback: Also begins play with a Spectral double intent on materializing as often as it can and messing with the character's life. It gets stronger as Spite increases and if destroyed will reappear.
Quality: Hues can easily access the dark power of Stains. By spending 2 vitality per Stain they can have them active for a scene.
Drawback: Hues are dim ghosts, not able to hold as much Vitality as others can. They have a maximum Vitality of 7.
Quality: They can shunt Spite points directly to their body as bashing damage.
Drawback: They do not regain Vitality naturally, they must receive it from other spooks or tap spite for it.
Quality: They can move freely from their body to spirit form and they regenerate 1 Vitality every hour while in body.
Drawback: Instead of taking Vitality damage from attacks they take Bashing damage to their body which cannot heal until they return to it. They lose one Vitality per hour while projecting.
2. Add 1 Attribute point to one of your Shade's favored Attributes.
Banshee: Presence or Wits
Haunter: Dexterity or Intelligence
Poltergeist: Strength or Wits
Skinrider: Manipulation or Resolve
Wisp: Dexterity or Presence
Phantasm: Manipulation or Composure
Marrow: Stamina or Presence
3. Add 2 bonus skill specialties.
4. You automatically gain your Shade's favored Horror.
5. Record Vitality (5) which can be raised with Merit points at a cost of 2 each.
6. Record Spite (10 - Morality). Any action that increases your Spite decreases Morality and vice versa. Spite will always be (10 - Morality) and Morality will always be (10 - Spite) in a balancing act.
7. Record Stains. (3)
The Cast
Hannah Williams - Starving writer who became much more flexible after joining Orpheus. Played by Quick.
John O'Noakes- Ex-Teacher, currently Orpheus's resident in house spirit. Played by BB.