
From Mundia

Aside from Caster Guns, there are two main types of firearm in Mundia - Revolvers and Rifles. The main differences between the two types are range and rate of fire; Rifles are effective as far as 8 squares away from the enemy, and can potentially be fired 4 times in one attack. Revolvers' effective range is limited to 4 squares, but with a pair of them and the Gunslinger feat one can attack 12 times in one turn.




The basic of the basics, a Six-Shooter holds six bullets in a cylinder drum. Reloading a Six Shooter is a free action, allowing a PC to reload, run, and fire again on their next turn. Does 1d4 damage per bullet.


A little bit better than a Six-Shooter, but it follows the same basic structure. Reloading a Peacemaker is still a free action, and it still holds six bullets in its drum. They do a little more damage in this incarnation, though; 1d6 damage per bullet.

Single Action Army

Considered by many to be the finest handgun in the world, its proponents state that "Six bullets are more than enough to kill anything that moves." Bullets fired from a Single Action Army do a show-stopping 1d8 damage per strike, but reloading is a Standard action.


Hunting Rifle

These are seen all over the Frontier. Each shot does 1d8 damage, but it has to be reloaded after every shot (counts as a move action).

Military Rifle

Exactly as it sounds, it's a rifle designed exclusively for combat. It can fire four bullets before having to be reloaded, and each bullet does 1d8 damage. Reloading, however, counts as a move action.


An elite sniper's rifle, this is the marksman's answer to the Single Action Army. Reloading it is a move action, and it can only fire one bullet per turn, but it has an effective range of 200 feet. Its bullets do 1d12 damage per strike.

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