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From Ms Paint Brawl
MS Paint Brawl / Super Paint Brawl / SPB / Super Vagina Brothers is a community forum game where users create their own super-powered characters (dubbed Brawlers) and have them fight each other through infantile and badly composed pictures they draw on the spot. Originating on popular teen nerd website, SPB was started by Trinidex as an all-in deathmatch for 'fun'. However, as the thread topic grew larger, a bit (read: TONSS) of controversy managed to grow in the Newgrounds forums about the overall lack of artistic ability, which eventually led to the topic being locked and deleted. BBR may have won that battle, but we will win the war!
Some of the regulars on that thread (amongst them John12346, Grimscott, and the ever loved MCJESUS) decided to keep the game alive and set up a simple Proboards forum back in December of '07. Now as the forum managed to prosper, users created a ton of Brawlers, arenas, and even plot canon for the Super Paint Brawl universe. The forum opened up just after Christmas, and is still going on strong.
Plus the overal art has greatly improved since then.. well McJesus' has. Dunno 'bout the rest of you.
Head Members
In the Super Paint Brawl website, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups:
Two Administrators who investigate crime and four Moderators (a.k.a. "The Watchmen", which is TOTALLY coincidental) who are pussy whipped on a daily basis for being too srs bsns. These are not their stories.
Administrators: Balto-Boy and MadVideoGamer
Watchmen: John12346, McJesus, Swordkill and Grimscott (who is a woman).