From Ms Paint Brawl
Rado is a character created by Dognapalm. Rado was in the original thread, being used by the user skreetch. His name comes from the word "random". He also has AIDS.
Rado only had one power in the original thread, which were two retractable blades on his hands. He was a very minor character in the thread making very few appearances. After the brawl collapsed he was changed to having an evsilon gun (losing one of his blades in the process), a cyborg eye and a metallic plate on his head.
Evsilon gun
The evsilon gun is a weapon that can fire anything that could possibly be imagined. It is Rado's most cherished weapon.
Retractable blade Rado managed to get a knife stuck in his skin while cutting cheese. He managed to retract it at will.
Cyborg eye
This does little except for thermal vision. It is more of an aide than a weapon.