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From Ms Paint Brawl

Revision as of 01:53, 19 April 2008 by Madvideogamer (Talk | contribs)
==Welcome to the Super MS Paint Wiki!==
The current logo to MS Paint Brawl, created by user RabiesIsMe

MS Paint Brawl has originated from the NG BBS but was marked as a +1 thread, which basically meant that people would post there to get their post count up. But after the destruction of the thread they (Most of the people who had participated in it) had made an alternate forum just for MS Paint Brawl purposes. It's purpose now is all about making pictures that follow the thread you posted in. Each thread has a different idea, which will range from a Knock-Off Harry Potter Parodyto a Camping Ground. For the forum you will need three things. One, a character that looks different then the others. Two, powers that are included with the character which are also different (Give or take a power or two). And three, have imagination. Not much but enough to keep drawing and going along with things. For if you don't the Mods will get you. This forum is quite organized. It all balances out from the use of the Mods and the Admin. Their jobs are to ban, delete posts, and Make sure things are in order. Most reasons you get banned are for being a spammer (Keep posting rapidly) or for being a huge asshole, that or the mod just doesn't like you. The reasons for posts to be deleted are cause they are off task or not following the rules. In order to be a Mod you must either be part of creating the forum or be voted in cause people think you'll be good for the job. And the Admin is basically god, with all the powers a Mod has. There are different programs used in the forum. They are: Regular paint, which is already on your computer., which is an upgraded paint fpr a download and is free (Reccomended). And Flash, which you have to pay for or ge the code in order to have. You don't need art skills to participate on the forums, but you do need to put some effort into your pics. This is all the basic things you'll need to know. If you want to join just click this Link to check it out.

Grudge Matches

In MSPB, they have nine boards, this board is number three. In Grudge Matches, only two people are aloud to post pictures in the thread, as the thread goes on eventually, it will end with either a lose lose, win win, and a win lose.

The most popular thread was the Rabiesisme versus McJesus grudgematch. It won the awards with ten votes. The thread was ended with a lose lose ending, and people were amazed because it was the first ever to be a tie.


In MSPB (Microsoft Paint Brawl), there are a few memes.

They are: John is fat, created by a user called Madvideogamer. He created it when a thread was created by Firemario1, it was for a character he was developing. A few pages after, they were comparing his developing character with John12346's character, they were quite similiar, until Madvideogamer said that John was fatter than Ray (Firemario1's developing caracter).

Bulet did it, created during a grudgematch between two popular users named McJesus and RabiesIsMe. While they were fighting, McJesus made a picture of the news discussing the fight, at the end, they didn't know who the person actually was who made the city recked up, so they blamed Bulet.

5, just the number five, it was created in the chat and it was spammed, and spammed. It was a an evil overlord that can control other people, like a puppet. He was created during a roleplay in the chat.

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