Main Page

From Mrquery

Revision as of 12:22, 24 February 2008 by (Talk)

Welcome to the mrquery wiki

  • Why mrquery is better?
  • Sites that link to mrquery.
  • is a work in progress, so I need your help, feel free to add suggestions and ideas to this page by clicking "edit":


Search providers

These are the million dollar questions.

  1. Do you recommend different search providers for any of the categories?
  2. Do you recommend different categories?
  3. As you can see, i have three undecided search columns (Maps, groups, Answers), are these the right categories?


Is the design any good? different colors? new alignment?


I thought of a few:

  • �œone search box to rule them all”,
  • �œone click does the trick”,
  • �œLet me get that...”,
  • �œmrquery can get it” (currently used),
  • and even �œThis page is for geeks only, if you’re an internet newbie go to our special page by pressing ’Alt+F4’”.


How can I make the site more usable, can you understand the purpose of the site by just looking at it?

my name is oded haim breiner (���•�“�“ �—�™�™�� �‘���™�™����)

. created by wit

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