Fallen Angel

From Monsterbook

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Angels that knowingly commit an evil act can be banished from the celestial planes by the deities ruling over those planes. When banished, they become fallen angels. A fallen angel can be of any alignment, although they are often evil following their exile. Fallen angels still have some of their powers intact even though they are cut off from the celestial source of their power. Fallen angels also have only bloody remnants of their wings left.

Fallen Angel Traits:

  • Darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision
  • Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10
  • +4 racial bonus on saves against petrification
  • Babble (Su): Fallen angels cannot communicate verbally. All beings hearing the speech of a fallen angel hears only incoherent gibberish. All speech that the fallen angel hears is likewise totally incomprehensible to her.

Fallen Astral Deva

Fallen Planetar

Fallen Solar

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