Sniper Drake
From Monsterbook
Descriptive text in italics
Sniper Drake (CR 5)
- Alignment Size and Type (subtype)
- Init ; Senses ; Listen, Spot
- Languages: (tongues, telepathy)
- AC ##, touch ##, flat-footed ##; dodge, mobility
- (mods)
- hp ### (## HD); fast-healing, regeneration, DR
- Immune:
- Resist type ##; SR (specific bonuses)
- Fort +#, Ref +, Will +
- Weakness:
- Speed # ft.
- Melee/Ranged (full attack)
- Space # ft.; Reach # ft.
- Base Atk +##; Grp +##
- Atk Options (power attack, combat expertise, smite evil)
- Special Actions
- Combat Gear
- Spells Known or Spells Prepared
- Spell-Like Abilities (Caster Lvl)
- Abilities Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha
- SQ
- Feats
- Skills
- Possessions
- Advancement
Ability (Ex/Su/Sp):
A man-sized dragon that is skilled at hiding and throwing spikes from its tail.
Strategies and Tactics
Adventure Hooks
Ecology and Society
Environment, Typical Physical Characteristics, Alignment
Creature Lore
Knowledge (type)
DC #: