Golem, Plague
From Monsterbook
This creature is humanoid in shape and reeks of decay. A closer look shows that it appears to be stitched together from pieces of leather into the semblance of humanity. Where some of the stitches have come apart, rotted pieces of flesh threaten to spill out.
Plague Golem (CR 5)
- Always E Medium construct (undead)
- Init +0; Senses darkvision; Listen +0, Spot +7
- Languages: none
- AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12
- (+2 natural)
- hp 22 (4 HD); DR 10/magic
- Immune: construct immunities
- Resist cold 10, electricity 10; SR 22 (limited, see below)
- Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
- Weakness: spell vulnerabilities, vulnerability to turning
- Speed 30 ft.
- Melee slam +# (1d6+2)
- Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
- Base Atk +##; Grp +##
- Atk Options
- Special Actions breath attack
- Abilities Str 15, Dex 11, Con --, Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 1
- SQ construct traits, pestilence, stench
- Feats weapon focus (slam),
- Skills Spot 7(+7)
- Advancement 5-7 HD (Medium), 8-16 HD (Large)
Spell Vulnerabilities (Su): The plague golem has a high spell resistance for its CR, but it is vulnerable to some spells that its SR is not effective against. A remove disease spell or effect will suppress the plague golem's breath attack, DR, and SR for 1d4+1 rounds. A slow poison neutralize poison spell or effect causes the golem to act as if confused for a number of rounds equal to the spell caster.
Vulnerability to Turning (Ex): Because of the necromantic energies used to create a plague golem, it can be affected by a cleric's successful turn or rebuke attempt. A successful turn check will cause a plague golem to be dazed for one round.
Breath Attack (Su): Every 1d4 rounds a plague golem can spew a 30-foot cone of vapor that spreads a virulent disease. The disease incubates instantly, and the victim must roll one saving throw immediately, followed by another save
Pestilence (Su): infect any nearby crops and foodstuffs. Living creatures within 10 feet of a plague golem must succeed at a Fortitude save or become diseased. Usually #, but
Stench (Su):
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