Spore Maiden
From Monsterbook
This creature emerges from the forest growth, gliding forward with a light, quick stride. She looks very much like an elf woman, but her skin is the color of mottled wood and her hair has the appearance of damp moss braided with flowers.
Spore Maiden (CR 7)
- Always NE Medium fey
- Init ; Senses ; Listen, Spot
- Languages: (tongues, telepathy)
- AC ##, touch ##, flat-footed ##; dodge, mobility
- (mods)
- hp ### (## HD); fast-healing, regeneration, DR
- Immune:
- Resist type ##; SR (specific bonuses)
- Fort +#, Ref +, Will +
- Weakness:
- Speed # ft.
- Melee/Ranged (full attack)
- Space # ft.; Reach # ft.
- Base Atk +##; Grp +##
- Atk Options (power attack, combat expertise, smite evil)
- Special Actions
- Combat Gear
- Spells Known or Spells Prepared 7th-level druid spells
- 0--
- 1--
- 2--
- 3--
- 4--
- Spell-Like Abilities (Caster 7)
- Abilities Str 7, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 15
- SQ vile harvest
- Feats
- Skills
- Possessions
- Advancement
Vile Harvest(Sp): Create sporeling.
Fetid Grove Dependence (Ex):
A spore maiden is a fey bound to a particular fetid grove of decayed plants
Strategies and Tactics
Adventure Hooks
Ecology and Society
Environment, Typical Physical Characteristics, Alignment
Creature Lore
Knowledge (type)
DC #: