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This towering being is indigo-scaled with two large horns, bat-like wings, and powerful clawed hands and feet. Four glowing green eyes glare at you while it's impossibly-long, anaconda-like tongue thrashes about from it's mouth.

Deskayv (CR 21)

  • Always E Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, overfiend)
  • Init +7; Senses scent, true seeing; Listen +29, Spot +29
  • Languages: abyssal, celestial, draconic, infernal (telepathy)

  • AC 34, touch 25, flat-footed 27
    • (-1 Size, +7 Dex, +9 natural, +9 profane) profane shield
  • hp 207 (18 HD); regenerate 5/good, DR 15/epic and good
  • Immune: fire, electricity, poison
  • Resist acid 20, cold 20; SR 30
  • Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +19

  • Speed 30 ft., fly 120 ft. (average)
  • Melee tongue +29 (2d6+19), 2 claws +24 (1d6+5), gore +24 (1d8+5)
    • Power Attack 10: tongue +19 (2d6+39), 2 claws +14 (1d6+15), gore +14 (1d8+15)
  • Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (tongue 20 ft.)
  • Base Atk +18; Grp +31, +43 with tongue
  • Atk Options awesome blow, power attack
  • Special Actions acid spray, madness gaze, summon fiends
  • Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16)
    • At will--greater call lightning, greater dispel magic, hold monster, invisibility
    • 3/day--blasphemy, dominate monster, greater teleport, plane shift
    • 1/day--implosion, soul bind, storm of vengeance, etherealness
    • Contingent--globe of invulnerability (when targeted by any spell less than 4th-level)

  • Abilities Str 28 (36 w/ tongue), Dex 25, Con 24, Int 23, Wis 22, Cha 27
  • SQ outsider traits, overfiend traits
  • Feats alertness, awesome blow, cleave, improved natural weapon (tongue), iron will, multiattack, power attack
  • Skills Bluff 21 (+29), Diplomacy 21 (+29), Hide 21 (+24), Intimidate 21 (+29), Knowledge (planes) 21 (+27), Knowledge (religion) 11 (+17), Knowledge (any other) 10 (+16), Listen 21 (+29), Move Silently 21 (+28), Search 21 (+27), Sense Motive 21 (+27), Spot 21 (+29).
  • Advancement 19-24 HD (Large), 25-36 HD (Huge)

True Seeing (Su): A deskayv is under a constant true seeing effect.

Profane Shield (Su): The aura of evil surrounding a deskayv gives it a constant +9 profane bonus to it's AC (bonus = 1/2 HD). Also any non-overfiend striking the deskayv in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 6d6 points of infernal damage (a protection from evil effect reduces this damage by half).

Regeneration (Ex): Deskayvs take normal damage from good-aligned weapons and from spells with the good descriptor.

Unholy Tongue (Su): The deskayv has an enormous tongue with a 20 ft. reach. Attacks with its tongue are treated as if from a huge creature (it has a +8 strength bonus, +4 bonus to grapple checks, and a damage bonus as if it were a two-handed weapon). Any creature it strikes in melee must succeed on a Fort save (DC 26) or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is consitution-based.

Acid Spray (Su): Every 1d4 rounds the deskayv can spray a 60 ft. line of acid from it's tongue. The line can originate from any space within reach of the tongue. The acid inflicts 10d6 points of damage, although a Reflex save (DC 26) reduces the damage by half. Any creature killed by the deskayv's acid is completely dissolved leaving behind no body. The save DC is constitution-based.

Madness Gaze (Su): 30 ft. range gaze attack, Will save (DC 27) or confused as the spell. The save DC is charisma-based.

Summon Fiend (Sp): Once per day a deskayv may automatically summon 2d4 fiends of CR 7 or less, 1d3 fiends of CR 8 to 14, or one fiend of CR 15 or higher (but not an overfiend). This ability is equivalent to a 9th-level spell.

The deskayv is a malevolent fiend. It does not spend time amassing power or influence for itself, as it would rather torture and punish those that offend it. Deskayv's are feared less for their raw power than for their insatiable thirst for revenge. It is not uncommon for a deskayv to capture a human paladin and torture her for 10 years before finally killing her and soul binding her so that she may never be resurrected. All of the deskayv's weapons and natural weapons are considered epic and evil for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Strategies and Tactics

Adventure Hooks

A great paladin champion has been kidnapped by a deskayv. Only after battling through the infernal realms to rescue her is it discovered that she has since become a blackguard and is the deskayv's consort.

A deskayv has chosen to punish

Ecology Deskayvs desire nothing more than inflicting great horrors upon the forces of good. As such, they spend little time in the pursuit of personal wealth or power, being single-minded in inventing new methods of physical, emotional, an psychological torture. They do not have lairs, instead roaming the infernal realms, listening for stories of champions of good from fiends that have been banished back to their own plane. Then it will search for those champions with the sole goal of causing it great pain. The average deskayv stands 14 ft. tall and weighs 900 pounds.

Deskayv Lore

Knowledge (Planes)

DC 15: This creature is obviously of fiendish origin. This result reveals all outsider traits.

DC 22: This being is one of an elite ruling class of fiends. This result reveals all overfiend traits.

DC 28:

DC 33:

DC 38:

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