Fallen Angel
From Monsterbook
Angels that knowingly commit an evil act can be banished from the celestial planes by the deities ruling over those planes. When banished, they become fallen angels. A fallen angel can be of any alignment, although they are often evil folowing their banishment. Fallen angels still have some of their powers intact even though they are cut from the celstial source of their power. Fallen angels also have only bloody remnants of their wings left.
Fallen Angel Traits:
- Darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision
- Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10
- +4 racial bonus on saves against petrification
- Babble (Su): Fallen angels cannot communicate verbally. All beings hearing the speech of a fallen angel hears only incoherent gibberish. All speech that the fallen angel hears is likewise totally incomprehensible to her.
This figure is extremely tall with broken bone shards jutting backwards from his shoulders. Although his features look like they were once attractive, his appearance is extremely dirty and disheveled.
Fallen Astral Deva (CR 8)
- Usually E Medium outsider (native)
- Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light; Listen +23, Spot +23
- Languages: abyssal, celestial, common, draconic, infernal (read/write only)
- AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 25; uncanny dodge
- (+4 Dex, +15 natural)
- hp 102 (12 HD); DR 10/magic
- Resist acid 10, cold 10; +4 saves against poison and petrification
- Fort +12, Ref + 12, Will +12
- Weakness: babble
- Speed 50 ft.
- Melee +2 keen scimitars +16/+11/+6/+16 (1d6+8,crit 15-20) and (1d6+5,crit 15-20) plus rend (2d6+9)
- Single Attack: +2 keen scimitar +20 (1d6+8, crit 15-20)
- Power Attack (8): +2 keen scimitar +12 (1d6+16, crit 15-20)
- Ranged +1 shock mighty composite longbow +17/+12/+7 (1d8+4 +1d6 elec, crit x3)
- Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
- Base Atk +12; Grp +18
- Atk Options full attack, power attack
- Combat Gear 2 +2 keen scimitars, +1 shock mighty composite longbow (+4 Str)
- Abilities Str 22, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 20
- SQ outsider traits
- Feats Alertness, cleave, improved initiative, power attack, two-weapon fighting
- Skills Concentration 15 (+19), Craft or Knowledge x3 15 (+19), Diplomacy 17 (+22), Escape Artist 15 (+19), Hide 15 (+19), Intimidate 15 (+20), Listen 17 (+23), Move Silently 15 (+19), Sense Motive 15 (+19), Spot 17 (+23).
- Possessions 2 +2 keen scimitar, +1 shock mighty composite longbow (+4 Str)
- Advancement 13-18 HD (Medium), 19-36 HD (Large)
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A fallen deva retains its Dexterity bonus to AC when flat-footed and it cannot be flanked except by a rogue of 16th level. It can flank characters with the uncanny dodge ability as if it were a 12th-level rogue.
Rend (Ex): If the fallen astral deva strikes an opponent with both scimitars in one round, it can rend the creatures flesh for 2d6+9 points of damage.
The astral deva once fallen is stripped of it's connection to the celestial planes. Although it is still an outsider, his subtype changes to native, therefore it must now eat, breathe and sleep. It also loses all of it's spell-like abilities, SR, and it's magical mace. Because it is cursed with the ability to communicate, it is often lonesome and bitter.
Strategies and Tactics
Without it's wings or spell-like abilities, the astral deva has limited combat options, but it is still a skilled combatant. At range it rains down arrows from it's magical bow. In melee it fights with two scimitars, focusing its attacks against a single opponent to attempt to rend them.
Adventure Hooks
An astral deva has fallen after taking a succubus as his lover. The two of them (who can communicate telepathically) have begun building a power base for themselves to create a new empire.
A fallen astral deva is trying to return to her celestial home. She plans to use a scroll of atonement and miracle to open a gateway back, but since she cannot find a powerful enough cleric to cast the spells, she has made a deal to serve the local thieves guild for ten years, then they have promised to use the scrolls on her by emulating a cleric's powers (through the Use Magic Device skill).
A fallen astral deva has arrived in a temple dedicated to his patron deity. She poses as a messenger of her former deity and requires the mortals to pay her homage. Each day she issues new written tenets that is gradually pushing the worshippers away from the alignment of their deity.
Ecology and Society
The fallen astral deva may attempt to fit into mortal society normally or live on the outskirts of civilization scrounging for food to survive. The life she leads greatly depends on the individual. Some fallen astral devas never recover from the horror of being banished from their celestial homes and become wandering beggars. Some embrace the evil that corrupted them. Some seek revenge against their former deities. Fallen devas do not form communities since they cannot communicate, even with one another. Only groups that perhaps had all fallen at the same time would be likely to remain together.
The average fallen astral deva is 7-1/2 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds.
Fallen Astral Deva Lore
Knowledge (Planes or Religion)
DC 15: This creature appears to have once been an outsider from the celestial planes, but it is now exiled on this plane. This result reveals all outsider traits.
DC 22: The fallen deva has lost a great deal of its magical powers.