From Monsterbook
This towering being is indigo-scaled with two large horns, bat-like wings, and powerful clawed hands and feet. Four glowing green eyes glare at you while it's impossibly-long, anaconda-like tongue thrashes about from it's mouth.
Deskayv (CR 21)
- Always E Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, overfiend)
- Init +7; Senses scent, true seeing; Listen, Spot
- Languages: abyssal, celestial, draconic, infernal (telepathy)
- AC 34, touch 25, flat-footed 27
- (-1 Size, +7 Dex, +9 natural, +9 profane) profane shield
- hp 207 (18 HD); regenerate 5/good, DR 15/epic and good
- Immune: fire, electricity, poison
- Resist acid 20, cold 20; SR 30
- Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +17
- Speed 30 ft., fly 120 ft. (average)
- Melee tongue +29 (1d8+13), 2 claws +24 (1d6+5), gore +24 (1d8+5)
- Power Attack 10: tongue +19 (1d8+23), 2 claws +14 (1d6+15), gore +14 (1d8+15)
- Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (tongue 20 ft.)
- Base Atk +18; Grp +31, +43 with tongue
- Atk Options power attack, smite evil)
- Special Actions acid spray, madness gaze, summon fiends
- Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16)
- At will--greater dispel magic, hold monster,
- 3/day--blasphemy, dominate monster, greater teleport, plane shift
- 1/day--implosion, soul bind, storm of vengeance
- Contingent--globe of invulnerability
- Abilities Str 28 (36 w/ tongue), Dex 25, Con 24, Int 23, Wis 22, Cha 27
- SQ outsider traits, overfiend traits
- Feats multiattack, power attack
- Skills
- Advancement 19-24 HD (Large), 25-36 HD (Huge)
True Seeing (Su): A deskayv is under a constant true seeing effect.
Profane Shield (Su): The aura of evil surrounding a deskayv gives it a constant +9 profane bonus to it's AC (bonus = 1/2 HD). Also any non-overfiend striking the deskayv in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 6d6 points of infernal damage (a protection from evil effect reduces this damage by half).
Regeneration (Ex): Deskayvs take normal damage from good-aligned weapons and from spells with the good descriptor.
Unholy Tongue (Su): The deskayv has an enormous tongue with a 20 ft. reach. Attacks with its tongue is treated as if from a huge creature (giving it a +8 strength bonus and +4 bonus to grapple checks). Any creature it strikes in melee must succeed on a Fort save (DC 26) or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is consitution-based.
Acid Spray (Su): Every 1d4 rounds the deskayv can spray a 60 ft. line of acid from it's tongue. The line can originate from any space within reach of the tongue. The acid inflicts 10d6 points of damage, although a Reflex save (DC 26) reduces the damage by half. Any creature killed by the deskayv's acid is completely dissolved leaving behind no body. The save DC is constitution-based.
Madness Gaze (Su): 30 ft. range gaze attack, Will save (DC 27) or confused as the spell. The save DC is charisma-based.
Summon Fiend (Sp): Once per day a deskayv may automatically summon 2d4 fiends of CR 7 or less, 1d3 fiends of CR 8 to 14, or one fiend of CR 15 or higher (but not an overfiend). This ability is equivalent to a 9th-level spell.
Strategies and Tactics
Adventure Hooks
Environment, Typical Physical Characteristics, Alignment
Creature Lore
Knowledge (type)
DC Result