Golem, Plague
From Monsterbook
Descriptive text in italics
Plague Golem (CR 5)
- Always E Medium golem (undead)
- Init ; Senses ; Listen, Spot
- Languages: (tongues, telepathy)
- AC ##, touch ##, flat-footed ##; dodge, mobility
- (+2 natural)
- hp ### (## HD); DR 5/magic
- Immune: construct immunities, undead immunities
- Resist type ##; SR (specific bonuses)
- Fort +#, Ref +, Will +
- Weakness:
- Speed # ft.
- Melee/Ranged (full attack)
- Space # ft.; Reach # ft.
- Base Atk +##; Grp +##
- Atk Options (power attack, combat expertise, smite evil)
- Special Actions
- Combat Gear
- Spells Known or Spells Prepared
- Spell-Like Abilities (Caster Lvl)
- Abilities Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha
- SQ
- Feats
- Skills
- Possessions
- Advancement
Ability (Ex/Su/Sp):
Strategies and Tactics
Adventure Hooks
Ecology and Society
Environment, Typical Physical Characteristics, Alignment
Creature Lore
Knowledge (type)
DC #: