Fallen Planetar

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This figure resembles a massively muscular and tall human with mottled green skin, a bald head, and jagged bone shards jutting out from its shoulder blades.

Fallen Planetar (CR 8)

  • Usually E Large outsider (native)
  • Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light; Listen +23, Spot +23
  • Languages: abyssal, celestial, common, draconic, infernal (read/write only)

  • AC 32, touch 13, flat-footed 28
    • (-1 size, +4 Dex, +19 natural)
  • hp 133 (14 HD); DR 10/magic
  • Resist acid 10, cold 10; +4 saves against poison and petrification
  • Fort +14, Ref + 13, Will +15
  • Weakness: babble

  • Speed 30 ft.
  • Melee +2 adamantine two-bladed sword +22/+17/+12 (2d6+16/19-20)
    • Power Attack (10): +2 adamantine two-bladed sword +12/+7/+2 (2d6+36/19-20)
  • Ranged +1 throwing, returning two-bladed sword +18 (2d6+8/19-20)
  • Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
  • Base Atk +14; Grp +25
  • Atk Options power attack, sunder
  • Combat Gear +2 adamantine/+1 throwing, returning two-bladed sword

  • Abilities Str 25, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22
  • SQ outsider traits, rage
  • Feats blind-fight, cleave, improved initiative, improved sunder, power attack
  • Skills Concentration +22, Craft or Knowledge x4 +23, Diplomacy +25, Escape Artist +21, Hide +17, Intimidate +23, Listen +23, Move Silently +21, Sense Motive +23, Search +23, Spot +23, Use Rope +4.
  • Possessions +2 adamantine/+1 throwing, returning two-bladed sword
  • Advancement 15-21 HD (Large), 22-42 HD (Huge)

Rage (Ex): A fallen planetar that is wounded in melee goes into a silent, controlled rage. It gains a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls and DR 2/-. The rage lasts for eight rounds, then ends with no ill effects, although a fallen planetar can only rage once per encounter.

The fallen planetar is stripped of its connection to the celestial planes. Although it is still an outsider, its subtype changes to native, therefore it must now eat, breathe and sleep. It also loses it's clerical abilities, regeneration, spell-like abilities, and SR. Because it is cursed with the inability to communicate, it is often lonesome and bitter.

Strategies and Tactics

Without it's spell-like abilities, the planetar is considerably weaker. It relishes melee combat, entering into a focused state of rage when wounded. The fallen planetar fights with a two-bladed sword, although he wields it as a two-handed weapon.

At close range, he uses the +1 throwing, returning blade to hurl his sword at enemies.

In melee, he fights with the +2 adamantine blade. He will power attack lightly-armored foes and make liberal use of sunder attacks to deprive his enemies of their weapons.

Adventure Hooks

Ecology and Society

Fallen planetars are even more wretched than their fallen astral deva cousins. A large portion of the planetar's celestial power was in the form of magical abilities that it has now been stripped of. Also, they are less able to fit into human society because of their large size. Most fallen planetars exist in isolation. Their former love of fighting demons has evolved into a tendency to fight anyone with little provocation. Because of this and their inability to communicate, they do not form communities or even friendships.

The average fallen planetar is 9 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds.

Fallen Planetar Lore

Knowledge (Planes or Religion)

DC 15: This creature appears to have once been an outsider from the celestial planes, but it is now exiled on this plane. This result reveals all outsider traits.

DC 24: The fallen planetar has lost a great deal of its magical powers.

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