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Revision as of 22:30, 26 October 2006
This creature is vaguely humanoid-shaped about the size and stature a dwarf, but it's entire body is the pallid color of dead flesh and is covered with numerous, constantly-blinking eyes of different sizes and colors.
Watcher (CR 8)
- Usually NE Medium aberration
- Init +0; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light, see invisibile, see in darkness; Listen, Spot
- Languages: common, undercommon (understand but cannot speak)
- AC ##, touch ##, flat-footed ##; dodge, mobility
- (mods)
- hp 39 (6 HD)
- Immune: illusion, enchantment, sleep
- Resist type ##; SR (specific bonuses)
- Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
- Weakness:
- Speed 20 ft.
- Melee slam
- Ranged ray
- Rapid Shot:
- Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
- Base Atk +4; Grp +3
- Atk Options rapid shot
- Special Actions gaze attack
- Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 16
- SQ sneak attack, uncanny dodge
- Feats point blank shot, rapid shot, weapon focus (ray)
- Skills 2
- Possessions
- Advancement
See in Darkness (Su): A watcher can see normally in any sort of darkness including that created by a deeper darkness spell.
Sneak Attack (Ex): A watcher can make a sneak attack like a rogue, dealing an aditional 2d6 points of damage on attacks against targets that are denied their dexterity bonus or that it is flanking.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A watcher cannot be caught flat-footed and can only be flanked by a rogue of 10th-level or higher.
Energy Rays (Su): The watchers has numerous eyes that can fire random rays of energy. Treat this as a 30-ft. ranged touch attack that inflicts 1d6+1 points of energy damage. This includes the damage from its point blank shot feat. (See chart below).
Roll 1d4 Energy type 1 Fire (Reflex save DC 16 or take an additional 1d6 next round) 2 Cold (Fortitude save DC 16 or slowed for one round) 3 Acid (Fortitude save DC 16 or nauseated for one round) 4 Electricity (+3 on attack roll and +1d6 damage against target in metal armor)
Gaze Attacks (Su): The watcher has numerous eyes with a specific gaze attack at a range of 30 ft. The watcher can cause his eyes to glow with a pale light, so that its gaze attacks are visible in normal darkness. Any creature attempting to avert it's eyes while combating a watcher has only a 20% chance of not having to make its saving throw rather than the normal 50% chance because of the numerous eyes covering its body. Any creature that does look at the watcher must save against 1d3 gaze effects (see chart below). Lastly, as a full-attack action, a watcher can actively gaze at every creature within 30 ft.
Roll Gaze Effect 1 Confusion (Will save DC 16, as a lesser confusion spell) 2 Fear (Will save DC 16, or panicked for one round) 3 Stun (Fortitude save DC 16, or stunned for one round) 4 Paralysis (Will save DC 16, as a hold monster spell) 5* Hamper mind (Will save DC 16, as a touch of idiocy spell) 6* Feeblemind (Will save DC 16, as a feeblemind spell) Note: roll 1d4 to determine which gaze effects to save against for targets at range. Roll 1d6 against any targets that are adjacent to the watcher. Also: For the 4 lesser effects, note that the effects occur concurrently, so only the greatest result should be used. So, for example, if a target is stunned, feared, and confused all in one round, then the stun effect supercedes the lesser effects
Description +8 racial bonus on spot checks
Strategies and Tactics
Adventure Hooks
numerous feeding orifices in seemingly random spots on its body. Feeds on flesh, but must use its acid ray to dissolve it to liquid before drinking it. Chooses to live in caverns or indoors where it can Environment, Typical Physical Characteristics, Alignment
Creature Lore
Knowledge (type)
DC Result