Ultimate War III:Characters
From Modpedia
From Modpedia, a Bionicley encyclopedia. Ultimate War III: Long Live the Evil Power is the third in the Ultimate War RPG series. When creating a new template, please try to make sure that all the characters are in alphabetical order.
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Character Templates:
Name: Adonis
Picture: (None yet)
Race: Dark Hunter
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Main Element: Fire
Secondary Element: Darkness
Preferred Weapon: Pistols
Starting Weapons: Old style magnum, rapier.
Vehicle: Midgar, a small cruiser (built for a minimum crew of about 20). Mobile base.
Special Attacks:
- Meteor: Blatant FFVII reference- summons a huge meteor. Varies in size. Can be a smallish one, for single targets, to a huge planet-destroying ball of doom.
- Call aid: Summons another Dark Hunter.
- Channel energy: Shoots raw energy into something, the effect is up to Adonis himself.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Theme Tune: "Can't stand me now" by the Libertines
Name: Arro
Picture: [Picture]
Race: Toa Mechanica (Bionicle)
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Mask: Kozura, mask of ability. Stores any 5 powers. Powers can be replaced.
Main Element: Metal
Secondary Element: Energy (He can only use his own)
'Preferred Weapon: Staff with 2 hooks
Starting Weapon: metal pole
Vehicle: None.
Special Attacks:
Transform Changes into something else, but does not gain it's powers.
Revolution Summons a rediculous amount of metal and swarms it around the target, then crushes, stabs, and does many other things to them at the same time.
Inner Peace Arro summons the purest good inside him and gains immense strength and powerful armor, and weapons to match. Arro's ultimate attack, this is super strong but also very draining.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Theme Tune: "Hero" from Bionicle Website
Character Background: Happy, joyous, and somewhat ignorant of danger are some of Arro's qualities. Currently residing on the industrial planet of Mettalica, Arro waits for the day when he can find his home. His normally happy personality has changed since the end of teh last UW, and he may even have a terrible secret.
Name: Brogen
Race: Toa Nuva
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Main Element: Magic (Technically atomization, he can reconstruct the atoms in the air to form whatever he wants) <--Guess I’m pushing it just a tiny bit on this one element, so just bear with me.
Secondary Element:
Preferred Weapon: Sword
Starting Weapon: A crystalline sword scavenged from the near-dead body of Bidrake
Special Attacks:
- Shockwave: Sends a ripple through the ground/air/space causing anything at standing/at that ground/air/space level to flip over and be damaged.
- Shadow Embodiment: Creates exact shadow replicants of himself, with the exact same powers from the shadows surrounding him, the shadows he used to create them become light once the clones are created. The amount of clones created is dependent on the amount of shadows surrounding him. The clones however are not shadows and thus a shadow master could not destroy them with ease. Lasts 20 posts.
- Malfunction: Causes the opponent’s brain to become extremely confused making everything they see extremely blurry and their hearing so bad they can only hear something 2 feet away from them, lasts 6 posts.
- Cosmic Destruction: When the nine mask wraiths and Brogen form a circle, with Brogen in the center a ray of energy is shot from each of them toward him and it becomes a laser cannon capable of destroying almost anything. Takes 3 posts to charge. Can only be used once per page. Lasts 3 of the players posts.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Theme Tune: “…and Justice for All” by Metallica
Character Background: A once good toa of a island city. Sent to an island stronghold to do battle with the evil that lived there. After fighting for days with the evil he was frozen solid in a block of ice that didn’t thaw for almost 500 years. When he finally did thaw out he heard a voice calling to him, it was that of a mask. He was barely able to reach the mask, and he slipped it onto his face. A horrendous cry was heard across the seas as his goodness was wrenched out of him and sent to another dimension. From there he made short work of conquering the universe and living in the lap of luxury. Until one day, the very fabric of space-time was almost broken. He was torn out of his cushy living by a Vahi, snapped over his counterpart’s knee. Afterward he killed Meta Knight on Knothole. From then on he conquered much of this universe and made an alliance with Abyss. With an alliance made they lived in the newly made Damien Solar system, upgrading shields and waiting to kill off some heroes. Unfortunetly they got the chance. While fighting the heros with Abyss a balancer, by the name of Rapi, called Brogen out for a battle. Brogen accepted knowing he would easily win. And he was until Rapi became infuriated at Brogen and killed himself in order to be rid of Brogen. And Brogen died, every atom of his beining ripped apart, execpt for his mask, which floated in space untill it landed in the forest of a peaceful planet.
Name: Biocore
Picture: In a day or so.
Race: Toa (Bionicle)
Primary Attribute: Stealth
Mask: Kadon, Mask of Phase. Phases something somewhere else via a portal to another dimension.
Main Element: Matter(can alter anything solid)
Secondary Element: Darkened Light
Preferred Weapon: Staff with 2 blades at one end and 1 blade at the other.
Starting Weapon: Daggers
Vehicle: None.
Special Attacks:
Matter Blast Biocore uses a certain area around him as an attack, doinf devastating damage.
Dark Reality Biocore uses otherworldly powers to cause the enemy to see a gruesome and 100% accurate vision of dying. It has been known to actually scare people.... to death.
Ultimate Fury Biocore summons all of his inner power (including his spirits) and transforms into a being of pure power, allowing him to perform hundreds of attacks in seconds and move faster than light. Unfortunately, recovering from using this attack takes a while.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Theme Tune: "Bring Me to Life" by Evanessance.
Character Background: Once a Toa trying to control his element, then a Balancer, Biocore had been through a lot in the last UW. Add to that having 4 powerful spirits premanantly bonded to him by magic he can't break, and you've got one Toa on the verge of insanity. Biocore wasn't really evil, but something about him changed during the fight with Giygas. He was thought to be gone, but he is simply waiting at the edge of time......
Toa Listel
Name: Toa Listel
Picture: Later
Race: Toa Cilin
Primary Attribute: Tactics
Mask: Mimicry, copies other masks for 5 turns, if mask is worn that mask is permanently copied into it. Current permanent masks copied: Flight.
Main Element: Air
Secondary Element: Earth
Preferred Weapon: Perma-blade Sword
Starting Weapon: sword.
Vehicle: None
Special Attacks:
Blade Storm: After 5 posts in a battle involving Listel this special will acitvate automatically. If it is my post I can delay it, and after the 5 post period is up it can be activated whenever I want. His sword blade quintuples itself as it flys around the battle field in a twister. The blades, while in flight each double themselves as they fly. The blades then fly onto the battle field slicing all of Toa Listel’s enemies. Lasts 7 posts
Long Lived Strength: Automatically Activates after 7 posts, can’t be used until then. Listel’s fighting becomes furious as his body picks up momentum. At this point most toa would begin to get tired but every hit on an oppenent during this rage will add to his own energy keeping him fighting longer. When this special is in effect he is moving faster than the average opponent making him hard to block. Lasts 4 posts.
3rd coming later.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Theme Tune: La Grange, ZZ Top
Character Background: Toa Listel. Not much is known about this mysterious figure of Trestle Cilin. From what most can see he was the son of Le and Onu matorans. This strange lineage has lend to many personality quirks like the love of flight and the skies yet at the same time he loves the caves. Not much is known though about the time before he became a toa though, he seems to be the only one that knows anything about it. Toa Listel was first seen at the battle of Almanac Pass in the great Forsidean Desert. The toa of Matura Nui were beginning to over come the highly trained armies of Thall’s matoran. The elements of the toa were overcoming there elementless bodies. But just as they were about to give up the pass to the Matura’s the earth underneath them seemed to turn to water as it rippled in waves as the toa were flipped into the air. As they stood the air seemed to solidify and they were carried off. All the matoran cheered seeing there enemy had been defeated by some freak natural event. A lone figure then desecended from the clouds and landed infront of the matoran. They readied there weapons. He quickly rose a shield of solidfied air and created a pedestle of earth upon which he stood and explained himself. Since that day Listel has been at the front ranks of the battles. He has served as a military advisor to General Thall and has been made the official toa of Trestle Cilin. His engineering mind created the weapons which the matoran now use, machine guns, and the transport they use, disks. He is currently gaurding the temple of the great disks, where they show exact replicas of the great disks.
Name: Nero
Picture: (None yet)
Race: Hyperrahkshi
Primary Attribute: Charisma
Main Element: Souls
Secondary Element: Psychokinesis
Preferred Weapon: Magic staves
Starting Weapons: Soulsucker staff
Vehicle: B-52 bomber, but kitted out for space flight, with shields and high-grade weapons. You won't find a better fighter-bomber.
Special Attacks:
- Hero Soulsuck: Extracts the soul of another player character (PC) into his staff. While this does not kill them, they are pretty much at Nero's mercy, and can be put into another body if he chooses.
- Deep posession: Transfers soul to another PC's body. As soul is in another body, harming the original body will have no effect. The occupied body's soul is surpressed and trapped in it's normal body (no exeptions), but certan personality features may spill over if used for a prolonged period.
- Reaper: ????
Alignment: Neutral Good
Theme Tune: "Sugar we're going down" by Fall Out Boy
Race: Bionicle
Primary Attribute: Strength
Mask: Parai, mask of dimensions
Main Element: Time
Secondary Element: Light
Preferred Weapon: Long Sword
Starting Weapon: Long Sword
Vehicle: None, but he has wings.
Special Attacks:
1. Call of Artahka- Unleashes the power of Artahka, calling forth those who reside on it to to attack or heal.
2. Furious Gale- Vahiki's wings beat at an extremely high rate, causing a hurricane force wind to strike the enemy.
3. Boiling Point- Similiar to insanity rush. In this state, vahiki is comparable to a complete psychopath and has no control over himself. The last time this was unleashed, a quarter of Ta-Razeo was damaged. This can only happen when Vahiki's anger is way over the extremes.
Alignment: Good
Theme Tune: "American Idiot" by Green Day
Character Background: Vahiki was once carefree and friendly. However, he has become a recluse over the past 35 years, in which he trained alone on Teardrop Isle. He is bitter most of the time, and usually not the most caring person. Something made him this way, but whenever asked he blows the the questioner off. He has a short temper and usually snaps at people.
Name: Veno Galius
Picture: Sprite Sheet
Race: Human
Primary Attribute: Kicking Anus (Strength)
Main Element: Chaos
Secondary Element: Water
Preferred Weapon: Nothing
Starting Weapon: Nothing
Special Attacks:
Destructive Guitar Solo
- Veno Galius uses his guitar and picks a guitar solo from any song he knows (or just makes up his
own). Random effects can take place, but it's usually mass destruction in the area.*
System of a Trance
- Veno cannot trigger this on his own- Any music by System of a Down is the trigger. Playing System
of a Down around him puts him in a trance for the length of the chosen tune. Depending on the song, it can be really helpful to his allies, or devastating to the whole area. "Soldier Side" has the most powerful effects.*
Insanity Rush
- This is what happens when you anger Veno so much that his rage gage bursts into pieces. I'll go
that far in its description as of now. Go ahead- piss him off enough to blow his rage gage to bits. This is what you'll get.*
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Theme Tune: System of a Down- "Soldier Side"
Character Background: Veno's history is too awesome to be revealed at this time. It shall be given by him or someone else throughout the RPG's time.
Name: Zenith
Picture: Picture
Race: Sentient Elemental
Primary Attribute: Dexterity
Mask: Zengle, Mask of Shield generation, can set up shields which with stand any attack until they are hit.
Main Element: Gravity
Secondary Element: None for the moment.
Preferred Weapon: Club
Starting Weapon: Fan Club
Vehicle: Not needed
Special Attacks:
Chaotic Rampage, his body absorbs the chaos in the atmosphere and releases it in blasts of dark random energy. I.E, one side of his body could release solar energy, another could release nuclear.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Good (Combination of Neutral Good and Chaotic Neutral)
Theme Tune:
Character Background: The elemental of Metallica. After a long life of killing as a shadow toa for the BoM. Eventually he died. After that the shadows that made up his being dissipated throughout the cosmos. Most of his original shadows came to rest in the inerds of the planet metallica, and with its constant Metal music they were able to reform using the planets gravity and the metal in it. Later he granted the power of gravity, through a mask to Bidrake.
Picture: none
Race: Damien
Primary Attribute:Stealth [Intelligence gathering, lockpick, pick pocketing, sneaking, etc.]
Mask:Akaku, mask of X-ray vision
Main Element: Stone
Secondary Element: none
Preferred Weapon:Masterwork stone knives.
Starting Weapon:Steel knives
Vehicle: none
Special attacks:
Earthquake- Creates giant crevices to rip open the ground and shake hordes of soldiers off their feet. 5 turn charge.
Sneak Attack- If vincent is able to sneak up on someone, or attack accuratley enough from far away, he does 5x his normal damage. 4 turn charge.
Bluff- Allows Vincent to trick someone into doing something or believing him. 3 turn charge.
Alignmnet: Chaotic Good.
Theme Tune: Land of confusion, by- Disturbed
Character Background:
Vincent was a commrade of Gyth's in their original group. After the death of his best friend he drifted off from the others. While they chose to stay on the new Damien refuge, he travels around as a nomad and lives how he chooses. He still holds good morals, but can't resist his urge to steal from people.
Name: Kailyz
Picture: none
Race: Damien
Primary Attribute: Intelligence.
Mask: Mask of illusions
Main Element: Gravity
Secondary Element: None
Preferred Weapon: Mythril Flail
Starting Weapon: Flail
Vehicle: Whatever he can use
Special attacks:
Pin: Pins an enemy (or multiple) against a wall/floor/roof for 4 posts.
- 3 turn charge*
Knockdown: Causes many enemies to fall to the ground, giving Kailyz time to attack them. (stuns for 2 posts)
- 3 turn charge*
Reverse Charge: Causes the target to switch to the opposite alignment for 3 turns. If they are neutral, Kailyz can choose which they change too.
- 5 turn charge*
Alignmnet: Lawful good
Theme Tune: none yet
Character Background:Kailyz is the benevolant ruler of Urnmasa, and a surviving rebel from UWII. He is a tall toa and his color scheme is black&purple. He wears a red gem around his neck.
Name: Oreseme
Picture: none
Race: unknown
Primary Attribute: None
Mask: None
Main Element: None
Secondary Element: None
Preferred Weapon: None
Starting Weapon: None
Vehicle: None
Special attacks:
Knockout: Simply punches an opponent hard enough that they are knocked unconcious for 5 posts or 2 turns.
- 4 turn charge*
Demigod: Becomes invincible for up to 10 posts when certain events are triggered.
- no charge*
Break: Oreseme breaks something. A leg, arm, weapon, mask, building, face. Doesn't matter what, but something breaks.
- 4 turn charge*
Alignmnet: Chaotic Neutral
Theme Tune: Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
Character Background: He is a tall man and light gray. He does not wear a mask or use any weapons. Little is known about him.