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I would like to point out that the purpose of a wiki is not to only create articles about yourself and your own creations. Try helping out on the other articles. ;) ~A
New users please view the Introduction page for more information.
![]() Welcome
Welcome. Welcome to Modpedia. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest homes of Mask of Destiny and Bionicle information, wherever you need it, whenever you want it. I thought so much of Modpedia that I elected to establish my Administration here, using the same software that runs Wikipedia, so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I have been proud to call Modpedia my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, Welcome to Modpedia. It's safer here. |
![]() Important Events
Modpedia was launched as a Bionicle fan project on the 27th of October, 2006. It was created by Zanarh, with the idea from Aegis. They are both now the Co-founders of Modpedia.
The Administrator of the Modpedia is Korona, which is controlled by Zanarh and Aegis. Their posts can be identified by the "~Z" and "~A" signs. |
![]() News Notifications and Reference
Source: Mask of Destiny
Posted by Mark on October 26, 2006: You obviously have an interest in the upcoming BIONICLE Heroes video games, Travellers Tales is obviously interested in keeping you interested, and obviously we are interested in keeping everyone happy. Toward that end, here again are some important links for BIONICLE Heroes (in case you missed them):
![]() This Week's Featured Article
"Hope"-- I have lost count of the years—the many, countless years I’ve spent on this dreadful place. The days are so dark and dreary, each like the one that came before. It’s always so cold and yet, the air is hot, scorching hot. What am I saying? This land has always been like this. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a clear day, if ever. For once let the sky be filled with large white clouds and the clear blue beyond be washed in sunshine. Far too long I have hoped for cool water to bathe in, warm sunshine to bask in, and air. Oh, how I would love to breathe in cool, fresh air. But what do we get? Poison. Voya Nui is where I am. (See more...) |
![]() On this day...
![]() Latest Discussions
A NOTE TO EVERYONE: Remember, this is not Wikipedia. Articles do not have to conform to any guidelines- as of yet. But, at the rate we're going, we shouldn't need any. Good work everyone! |
![]() Interactivity
Discussion: Zombie Scenarios Okay, zombies have broken out, what will you do? Will you survive? Or do you need to order a "zombie food" t-shirt? Here are two differant scenarios, a more realist one and a movie-type one. Scenario 1: The zombies are fairly frail. They are not stronger or faster than the person when alive. They can move faster than a mere shamble, but not so fast as running. They would tire after a while, and starve. They also would decompose eventually, likely within a few months or so. Very limited intelligence, nothing more than the basic: follow a noise, attack what you see. They can be disabled by destroying the head, or just the entire zombie. Suppose that something causes all those who have recently deceased to rise. Most likely confined to your local mourge. If you are infected by exchange of bodily fluids, it would kill you within an hour and you would rise as one of the undead. (See more...) |
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