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Abyss (member)

Abyss is a member of MOD. He spends most of his time in "MOCs", "RPGs", and "Everything else." Obviously, Abyss wrote this himself. He's very well known.

About Abyss

  • Joined on November 20, 2003
  • Lives in America
  • He is known for playing the role of the villain.
  • One of the few members that has yet to post a picture of themselves, their room, real name, or allow others to here his voice during an MSN conversation. He enjoys anonymity.
  • Abyss is one of the few active "veteran" members on MOD and one of the few to have never changed his name throughout his stay. He has, however; changed his Avatar image and Signature a number of times.
  • Started a fad on FOD concerning the phrase "You sit on a Throne of Lies" which, in turn, was a stolen fad from another site.
  • Abyss is one of the more frequent comic makers of the Mask Of Destiny Community Comics, with a total of 6 comics.
  • Abyss actually, recently recorded a voice clip on MSN. He was convinced to do so by others recording themselves saying the phrase "You sit on a throne of lies" Rapi proceeded to send these repeatedly to Abyss. He then created the short voice clip with a piece of the solo from Metallica's "Master of Puppets" playing in the background. It is now an Emotion sound within the library.

RPGs Abyss has participated in

  • "Another RPG"
  • "Another RPG 2"
  • "Warrior RPG 1-3"
  • "Mission RPG"
  • "Ultimate War: Ruins of Combat"
  • "Arena RPG"
  • "Lost VI"


Abyss usually keeps links to his many MOCs in his signature: Gyth, the mercenary The Artifices The General The Assassin Massimo

Abyss has won quite a few contests on MOD, but so far none on BZPower, which is his ultimate goal.


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