Mask of Destiny
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Mask of Destiny
Mask of Destiny is a Bionicle fan site which is in constant competition with the superior Its members can be categorized into three sections - banned BZP members, noobs and those who are only there to criticize Bionicle. Since neither of the other groups can do this, they are among the most hated members.
MoD started well. But then the noobs came - i.e a forum was made. This became a hiding place for the outcasts of BZP or society in real life. These people cannot spell and hate people who criticize anything. They tend to write lame comedies and strive to make MoD different to BZP. This causes all sorts of lame publicity stunts, such as, say, this Wiki, with the excruciatingly bad infected Hau edited from MoD's logo.
MoD members, or MoDers, to imitate the phrase BZPers, are known throughout Bionicle fansites as a disgrace to the Bionicle fandom. The only ones who disagree are the 'MoDers' themselves, which shows how very true these claims are.