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It's me Gakurahk, umm, so uhh, about me? Right.

About me in the Bionicle community

Before you read, I'll warn you; you won't think very well of me after reading this, if not hate me so much as to want to make me die a slow, painful, macabre death. And no, I'm not anti-BZP, I'm just not a big fan of it.

I first started out an average "uber n00b"(As In I'd say things like"What does the 1/10 mean? "and" My Mocs are professional graed1!") on BZP as "Taku", with my Self-Moc being a toa-ish MoC that looked absolutely horrid.Sure, a professional Bionicle "MoCer" will tell you using Toa torsos is bad, but my self Moc back then was so horrible that it made Toa modifications look like the best things ever built out of Lego pieces. Don't belive me? Look for yourself. I later got the topic for the first self MoC closed and modified my self MoC's color scheme to a sort of greenish one so I could post it again, which is what caused me to modify my self MoC so often. You see, when I joined a Bionicle fan site for the first time, I thought everyone would hail me as an expert builder and be like "Z0mG d00Dz TaKu are teh m0$t go0dX0r b3st3ST MoCzor D00d 3v4r111one111one11!11one11 C0oki3!1" so, yeah, further proof I was the biggest moron/n00b who was ever on BZP. Eventually I found out That Taku was the name of a bird in Bionicle(and later a real name) so after a while of thinking of a bunch of fake names, I ended up changing the name of my self-MoC and username to "Takar".

Anyway, as I continued thinking I was "T3h uB3r D0odzor" during my time on BZP, I would post about twice every month, mostly because my topics about my "0mG K3\\/\\/l $4lf moCz0r" would "die" about a month after posting them ,and then I'd rebuild my self MoC...then the topic would die,then I'd rebuild my self MoC it would go on and on until I just stopped posting, mostly because I had gotten tired of Bionicle for a while and started to make idiotic stop motion animated movies of Lego people killing each other for no good reason. Anyway, by late 2003, I had matured a little and stopped making pointlessly violent Lego movies. Then I found out Takar actually meant something in a foreign language. How? Beats me, but if you look it up on Google stuff comes up.So I changed it To Gaku. At this time I had been browsing BZP some and noticed it was sort of...restrictive I suppose is a good way to put it. So, after this I decided it was time to put it behind me, I rarely visited, or even posted there.

During April first 2004 I rebuked a BZP admin for pulling an April Fools joke where "A hacker"(I.E. he) was "hacking" into people's accounts.I got banned for this, thankfully. Though I was regretful at first, I realized that if I hadn't gotten myself banned, I would have become just like one of the hundreds of thousands of average BZP-goers. You see, the thing I like most about Mod is there aren't as many fools, at least not ones that mess with your account for a lame April Fools joke.

This is when I started to get involved in the REAL Bionicle community.

After quite a while of inactivity on Bionicle fan sites(with the exception of going to MOD for news), keeping my little fan-fiction storyline to myself and such, I didn't really do much at all. All my friends had moved away,normal Lego was my only hobby, the only other teenagers in the neighborhood were (and still are) in a sect/cult as I soon found out... So I made sure not to go anywhere near the schmucks, and for good reason. Anyway,I was bored 24/7...then Mod opened up it's forums (w00t yeah!) and I got less bored, Got to know other members, most of which were banned from BZP for things like double posting, "disgracing Hapori Tofu" and other such things, but let's not go there.

Later, I joined something called "MODRPG", a text based RPG centered around a war in which An alliance between The Brotherhood of Makuta and the Bohrok hordes battled against a Rag-tag team of not-so-evil Toa and other such species. It was fun for a while, but I kept getting stuck with all sorts of people I didn't really want to get stuck with, since people were allowed to control each others characters.The thing is, once I left the RPG people still kept controlling my character, which got annoying. I never really did much on MOD back then other than play RPGs and post lameo MoCs, I had a blast doing it though.

During 2005 I "fought" in the "hacker wars" between the KB and a Rag-tag coalition of IF sites trying to defend themselves against the KB. I served as sort of a recon team member and negotiator if I remember correctly. I also played in text based RPGs every now and then.

In 2006 I didn't really post much on MOD,or any site,(except Xeno Insanity) mostly because the Hacker Wars had slowly and surely come to an end. And I wasted my time playing Halo 2 quite horribly over X-box live.

In early-ish 2007 I regained my interest in Bionicle and posted a redone version of my way out dated self moc, which featured better posability and looks. My current self moc is based somewhat off this design, but is overall better, has a black crimson and silver color scheme. I also changed my user name to Gakurahk.Guess why?

And before you say so, no I don't hold a grudge against BZP.

So, umm, that's it for now.

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