Bionicle 2007

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From Modpedia, the Bionicle encyclopedia.
Special Thanks to Zanarh, De_Zahid, Vahiki, Xanxost, Shadow: Hedghog of Chaos, Tilius, Timekeeper, Rapi, PREDATOR, *Tahu_Nuva_Kid*, Lanahka and co.

  • Makuta will return in either the 2007 storyline or in 2008.
  • 2007 will feature an appearance of a member of the very first Toa team ever in existence (and no, you have not met him before).
  • Features the first, web-exclusive battle between Makuta and Karzahni.
  • The 2007 Storyline will NOT be on Voya-Nui.
  • The 2007 main island is NOT called Akua Nui, 'Akua' means god in another language, so they will not use it.
  • The 2007 sets have already been made.

  • 2007 Book Schedule
    • BIONICLE Legends #6: City of the Lost -- February
    • BIONICLE Atlas -- April
    • BIONICLE Legends 7 -- July
    • BIONICLE Encyclopedia Volume 2 -- October
    • BIONICLE Legends 8 -- December

  • There will be a Bionicle Atlas (in 2007), which will include places like:
    • The BIONICLE Atlas will reveal where the 2001 Toa team -- Tahu, etc. -- originated from.
  1. Artakha
  2. Karzahni
  3. Metru Nui
  4. Voya Nui
  5. Mata Nui
  6. Daxia
  7. Xia
  8. Odina
  9. Zakaz
  10. Destal
  11. Name TBA (2007 location)
  12. The Location of Keet's and Tantorak's Island
  13. -

  • Sometime during the new three year arc, the Toa Inika will get new masks.
  • The Polyp Launchers will make their first appearance with the Barraki sets
  • Unlike 2006, the winter and summer sets will not have the same weapons. The summer sets will have completely new and different ones

  • The 2007 Bionicle Sets may be priced as such:
    • 2.99 EUR
      • 8934 Polypenwerfer?
    • 10.99 Euro
      • 8916 Takadox
      • 8917 Kalmah
      • 8918 Carapar
      • 8919 Mantax
      • 8920 Ehlek
      • 8921 Pridak
    • 4.99 Euro
      • 8929 Defilak
      • 8930 Dekar
      • 8931 Thulox
      • 8932 Morak
    • 43.00 Euro
      • Bionicle Tri-Pack


Matoran Facts

The upcoming storyline will introduce a new group of Matoran; evidence suggests that this is the group living in the sunken "Lost Land" (part of the sunken Voya-Nui), but this is only partially confirmed.

This group has domesticated a kind of Rahi called Hydruka. Their current leader is a green Le-Matoran named Defilak, who wears a Great Style Kualsi mask; and another is Dekar, a yellow Po-Matoran with a Noble Kiril. Both Defilak and Dekar use a kind of launcher; despite their appearance these are not Zamor Launchers. For some reason, leaders of the Lost Land do not last too long, but it's not because of the Barraki.

Hydruka Facts

Domesticated scorpion-like Rahi with sharp fangs and natural Zamor-like tail launchers. These species of Rahi rahi have been domesticated by Matoran Herders who reside in the lost land. Two Hydruka named Morak and Thulox may have a leading role in the upcoming storyline.

Barraki Facts

The Barraki are the upcoming villans in LEGO's BIONICLE storyline. Not much is known about them, but the term "Barraki" is the Matoran word for "warlord". There are only 6 Barraki in existence

The Barraki were banished to The Pit around 80,000 years ago by Botar, as the Order of Mata Nui considered their crimes irredeemable (these crimes had no connection to the Great Disruption that occurred in Metru Nui at the same time). Before their banishment, they had also made enemies of both the Toa and the Brotherhood of Makuta, and now want revenge on both groups.

The Barraki originally commanded armies; Pridak's included Matoran criminals, ex-Dark Hunters, and other outcasts; "thieves, murderers, traitors, and liars". Their post-Pit armies are unknown.

Series writer Greg Farshtey has said that "The Barraki are warlords. Warlords are brutal when they need to be, but overall, practical. They won't hesitate to kill you if they would benefit by it or they have no use for you. If they won't benefit by it, it is a pointless expenditure of energy and a waste of resources. Barraki think in military terms."

Unlike most groups, the Barraki are not all the same race. Since the Pit is currently a watery location, the Barraki have evolved the ability to breathe underwater. However, they are not native to the sea.

The Barraki have fewer powers than the Piraka do, and prefer to rely on their own wits and strength. While they may be able to use Kanohi Masks, they look down on those who rely on them and weaken when their masks are removed.

Barraki Bios

====Carapar==== Carapar's body is twice as wide as it is long. With his long arms and giant claws, he is able to master any obstacle. His thick armor makes him almost invulnerable – only electric powers have a chance against him.

====Kalmah==== Kalmah captures his enemies with his long tentacles and suction cups. He has got three eyes and five tentacles on the back of his head. With those he is able to sense every movement going on behind his back.

====Mantax==== Mantax lurks for his enemies in the darkness and then attacks them from behind. He is equipped with a thick armor, poisonous red stingers and mighty pincers.

====Pridak==== Pridak likes to float calmly over his unsuspecting victims before he strikes with lightning speed. Even the hardest armor is no problem for his razor-sharp teeth. Pridak is known for his sudden rage.

====Takadox==== Takadox is taller and more horrific than all other Barakki. He lurks in a little rocky cave which glows in the dark. When somebody passes by he strikes with blinding speed.

====Ehlek==== With his long, thin limbs and his armorless body, Ehlek seems to be a lighter opponent, but this is deceptive! With his green spikes he produces an electrical charge, which sends currents of lightning and can paralyze his opponents.

A description of the Barraki's weapons, called "Polyp Launchers", has also been found: "Each Barraki is equipped with a polyp launcher, a built and strong centrifuge for alive - and hungry - polyps, which suck the life energy from the target objects." However, Greg Farshtey has disproved part of this description, saying that the words "polyp" and "centrifuge" do not accurately describe the ammunition and weapon, respectively.

The Pit

All that is known about the Pit is that it is a place of punishment; Botar has said "What is the law? The law is the will of Mata Nui. Break that law and only the Pit will welcome you." Some current inhabitants of the Pit are the Matoran leaders of the Great Disruption in Metru Nui, and a group of warlords called the "Barraki". The Pit is underwater, though it is implied that it has not always been so. Currently, Botar is the only being who has access to the Pit. However, if Brutaka knew where the Pit was, he could access the pit.

Coincidentally, both the Visorak and the Piraka have been described with the term "creatures from the pit", but series writer Greg Farshtey has said that this is at least a different pit; and it is possibly a figure of speech not directly connected to the actual location.

2007 Locations

The upcoming Bionicle Atlas will include information on some of these locations including Roodaka's homeland, the Dark Hunter headquarters island, a Brotherhood of Makuta base, and Voya Nui's Lost Land (including the Pit, by association). Names have been given for these and two other lands: Daxia, Xia, Odina, Zakaz, and Destal; which name corresponds to which location is unclear (though the Lost Land is obviously none of these). Likely possibilities for the other two lands are the Piraka's homeland and Keetongu and Tahtorak's homeland; Sidorak and Krekka's homeland has been confirmed as not being included. The land of Xia (revealed as Roodaka's homeland) entered its current state through a deal with a powerful and dangerous alliance (which does not involve any known organization).


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