Omega Talious

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Current revision as of 21:44, 30 December 2006

Name: Omega Talious

Picture: Hang On...

Race: Giganious Matoran

Primary Attribute: Cunning

Mask: Reclenia, Great Kanohi of One Shot (an Attacking Special Can only Effect him Once, if used against him again, the Special Fails)

Main Element: Darkness

Secondary Element: Stone

Preferred Weapon: Blackjack

Starting Weapon: Psionic Blackjack, Onyx Hammer, Protial Coin

Vehicle: Nevermore (Rocket Booster)

Special Attacks:

Health Swap: Swaps Health with a Chosen Foe (IE: Cuts, Bruises, Brogen Legs ECT)

Hammer-sorb: Uses Hammer to Absorb either Darkness, Stone or Both and Power up next Attack.

COIN TOSS!!!: Flips a Coin, If it Lands on Desired side, Opponent Gets hit with Major Damage, If not Desired Side, Opponent gets No Damage Done.

Dark Limit: (Adonis/Omega Group Special) Both Adonis and Omega Go Through an Enemy Countless times, then Omega flips a Coin to determind how long Enemy is Knocked out for:

Heads- 5 Turns

Tails- 15 Turns

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Theme Tune: Hammertime - MC Hammer

Character Background: Read UWII Profile.

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