Ultimate War

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* "Feuer Frei!" by Rammstein- Same as "Don't Stop Me Now," but it only works for Veno.
* "Feuer Frei!" by Rammstein- Same as "Don't Stop Me Now," but it only works for Veno.
*"Dice" Various effects during the current battle, ranging from mild power alterings, to terrain reshapings, to an auto-victory for either side during the current battle (not the whole war, though- that's bad plottage).
*"Dice" Various effects during the current battle, ranging from mild power alterings, to terrain reshapings, to an auto-victory for either side during the current battle (not the whole war, though- that's bad plottage).
=Ultimate War III: Long Live The Evil Power=
After the great fall of Giygas and the disbanding of the balancers the universe fell into an uneasy peace. Except for one planet…
On this planet the legendary mask of magic fell from the heavens. A villager from a nearby town found the mask one day when out hunting, and it began to talk to him. He placed it in a shrine and brought villagers to worship it. They brought it all it desired and the entire town was entrapped in the mask’s cult for it had started it. After a year of worship the mask demanded raw materials be brought to it. It demanded hardened protodermis, titanium and all the diamonds they could get and more. These tasks killed several villagers yet they still worked themselves to death to serve the mask.
After 30 years of this, and hundreds of pounds of raw materials the mask saw fit to tell the villagers how to revive its once great owner. It required a portal to the nether realm and a toa who fell into the unknown around the same time the mask arrived on the planet. The villagers first decided to take upon themselves the building of the portal. This required the raw materials they had gathered over the last several years and they were about to use it to build the portal when the Mask spoke.
“Do not use the materials you have already gathered!” It warned, “If you do my owner will have nowhere to go, no you must gather more for the portal,”
And they did. By the next year they had built the awe-inspiring portal to the nether realm. From there they set upon finding the toa that had been lost to the collapse of the great evil.
The nine head cultists searched the planet far and wide, seeking the fate of the toa. The forth Cultist found the Great Library and in it a collected history of the second Ultimate War. In this book it listed the fate of each major participant. The only one that matched the mask’s description went like this: -and so, after being mortally wounded Bidrake forced himself into the void where he could heal until the universe needed him again. Since then his memory has faded from the minds of all but the Rahkshi.
After reading this the forth cultist went back to the town to rendezvous with the other eight. He told them his findings and with the help of the mask they began to build a portal that would bring them to the void.
The nine ravened the country looking for anything that could take them to the void, a teleporter or a stargate. No success. They continued looking across the entire world. The nine didn’t find anything until they reached the farthest northern point of their world. At the very top was a shimmering pool of what looked like molten magic. They cut it out of the ice in an ice shaped bowl which, amazingly, seemed incapable of melting. The nine carried it back to the village and placed it in a dugout hole in front of the mask. It told them how to go into the pool and retrieve the almost dead toa. They did so. Each jumped into the pool, one after another. Once inside it was clear the pool was a wormhole to the space between all dimensions, the void. They searched for about 5 minutes before the found the toa, floating. He was the only thing in the void after all. The nine cultists pulled Bidrake out of the pool and back to there village. There they set up a huge circle in front of the portal to the nether realm, surrounding the circle was all the raw materials they had gathered since the year after the mask had arrived. The Cultists took their places around the circle and placed the mask in a hover position above the toa, in the middle of the circle. They began to chant and chant, and chant. The portal to the nether realm turned on and as the Cult leaders chanted the raw materials from around them flew into the air and took the form of a toa. Part’s of Bidrake’s body flew into the form floating above him. A dark shape then emerged from the body of Bidrake. All around could sense it was evil, and the evil split into nine parts, each of it took a hole between the nine cultists, then it began to spin, evil surging through each of there bodies, and as it went through each one a bit of light was with it, the light moved into Bidrake’s body. The darkness stopped after going through 6 times, it then flew into the moving form of the body above the toa. The nine cultists were now dark shapes, you couldn’t tell what they were anymore, all you could tell was that they were evil. Now as they continued chanting a shape stepped out of the portal, it looked around seeing where it was and moved into the body that was forming above Bidrake. As it merged with the body, the body’s eyes opened and the mask attached itself to his face. He then hovered for another 3 seconds and slowly descended to the earth. He reached down on the near lifeless corpse of Bidrake and took a sword he had attached to his back.
“I doth return, as I hath prophesized.” He said, “Now bow down to me as your master, Brogen, the Toa of Magic.”
The nine cultists bowed in front of their lord and master.
“You are now the mask wraiths,” Brogen addressed them, “Take these gifts from me and we shall roam the cosmos taking the universe for me.”
Next to each wraith a robotic horse formed from the raw materials around them, along with a death metal sword, and a black ghostly cloak for each. A cloak then formed along Brogen’s back as a robotic horse for himself appeared.
“Toss the nonbeliever back into the pool,” Brogen said.
The last of the raw materials, and what had made the portal to the nether realm were then atomized into a great space ship. The 9 wraiths and their master teleported onboard.
· The object of the game is to capture/conquer the 35 planets before the other side does. The alternative is to kill all of the players on the other side.
· No Balancers for the time being, because they disbanded.
· No God-Modding. That means this:
1. No insta-kill posts and no dodging forever. The attacker must give a chance for the defender to react, and the defender can't keep dodging or taking hits without budging or taking damage at some point.
2. Also know that doing incredibly powerful things instantly from millions of miles away is also god-modding. Don't do it, or you'll be severely punished.
3. You know what else is god-modding? Bunnying. For those of you who don't know (not pointing fingers at anyone), bunnying is a term coined up by Shadrahk- it's when you control how your opponent reacts. For instance, saying that "you shot someone, and then they fell dead" is bunnying. Unless you do it to your own characters that are fighting each other (which is perfectly fine), bunnying is god-modding.
· If you are a true neutral player you will always help the underdog in the battle.
· If you have MSN, get on it when you know another player's on. If you don't have MSN, getting it is strongly recommended. This keeps the topic alive.
· Team work is essential in war. Players may wish to control specific elements that compliment each other (Like Earth and Fire or Water and Air, for instance). Combinations like these could prove deadly to the opponent.
· PM each other (Or IM- which ever is better) to discuss Out of Character strategy for the game. You don't want to give away your secrets to the enemy, or else they'll counter it with forces of their own!
· Having FUN is the biggest recommendation for the players. If you don't have fun, you will lose. Guaranteed. What's that? You don't believe me? OK then, have fun losing.
· Play Ultimate War like you're writing a book, and not like it's a silly board game. This'll help the plot go along smoother and be a lot more surplus in awesomeness. Ultimate War isn't like the Arena RPG in entirety- it's more like a combination of that and a serious traditional-style RPG (such as Aegis' LOST).
· Q: Can I control every element?
· A: No. You are limited to two elements. Yes, psychic is an element.
· Q: Are we allowed to fight for a previous planet that's already been taken over?
· A: Yes. Definitely. This isn't a battle to see who gets the most. It's a fight for the whole freaking control of each of the 35 worlds.
· Q: Can we leave troops on a planet that's already been won by us?
· A: Yes. Go ahead and leave troops to guard the planet. It prevents the enemy from taking it over instantly.
· Q: For our race, can we choose to be human?
· A: Were there humans in the previous Ultimate War? How 'bout Transformers? There's your answer.
· Q: Can we control more than one character? Is there a limit?
· A: Yes, and there is a limit of 7 characters.
· Q: When do we start?
· A: When there's at least 2 different players on the Forces of Good(A good alignment),optionally 2 on true neutral and 2 on the Evil Power(Evil based alignment), that's when the Ultimate War begins. And yes, you can join in the middle of the RPG
· Q: Do our special attacks have to relate to our elements?
· A: No they don't. That's why they're called "Special."
· Q: What defines a "Special attack?"
· A "Special Attack" is an ability that is "usually" completely unrelated to your element, can destroy a huge chunk of an army, and usually takes a while to charge if powerful enough. You can have up to 3.
· Q: That's dumb! Only 3 specials is a lame rule. Is there any other way to get more specials?
· A: Ever tried tag team specials? You post which team members get together to perform a super special blast, decimating tons of stuff in the area. You can only have one tag team special with each character, that includes a tag team with more than one person.
· Q: Are we allowed to update our profiles as the war wages on?
· A: You can't have plot twists without change. So yes.
· Q: How exactly serious is this RPG?
· A: Put it this way: There is no "Barbie" allowed in the Ultimate War. No Beanface, no Barney, no "kiddie" characters period (unless you can find a way to make them bad-anus). That's how serious this war is.
· Name:
Primary Attribute:
Main Element:
Secondary Element:
Preferred Weapon:
Starting Weapon:
Special Attacks:
Theme Tune:
Character Background:
· Template explained:
1. Name, the characters name.
2. Picture, a picture of the character, if possible.
3. Race, the type of creature the character is: human, matoran, toa ect…
4. Primary Attribute, what they’re best at: Strength, defense, intelligence, wisdom ect…
5. Mask, the mask of power the character wears, if applicable.
6. Main Element, the characters element, the element they are best at.
7. Secondary Element, the character’s second element they have somehow happened upon. This isn’t as powerful as the Main Element.
8. Preferred Weapon, the weapon style the character is the best at using. The character can do more damage with this weapon style.
9. Starting Weapon, the weapon the character starts with, can’t be really awesome.
10. Vehicle, the vehicle the character moves around on/in
11. Special Attack, the specialized attack of a character which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with either of their elements. You can only have three and they must be given a name after which is described exactly what they do.
12. Alignment, You side is determined by your alignment, which can be chosen from this list:
13. Lawful Good: awful good characters uphold society and its laws, believing that these laws are created to work for the good and prosperity of all. They believe that an ideal society is one with a well-organized government and law-abiding citizens. They are both honest and benevolent, and will work within the established system to change it for the better, and will strive to bring order to goodness that other good-aligned characters might pool their resources to better the world. Lawful good characters combine commitment to oppose evil with discipline.
14. Neutral Good: This alignment desires good without bias for or against order. Neutral good characters do good for goodness' sake, not because they are directed to do so by the law or by whim. These characters believe that the forces of law and chaos should not moderate the need for people to do good. These characters will support social structures only when they are for the good of the community. If overthrowing an existing social order is what needs to be done to foster good, then they will not be afraid to do so. Their need to help others and reduce suffering may take precedence over all else.
15. Chaotic Good: Chaotic good combines a good heart with a free spirit. Chaotic good characters act as their conscience directs them with little regard for what others expect. They believe firmly in making their own way in life, and dislike others who try to intimidate or use their authority on them. They are kind and benevolent, and are strong individualists, hostile to the claims of rules, regulations, and social order. These people will actively work to bring down unjust rulers and organizations and to liberate the oppressed.
16. True Neutral: A person who prefers to fight for who ever is losing a battle. Ex: The balancers as an organization.
17. Chaotic Neutral: Thinks life is every man for himself, and won’t join either side for any reason. Basically does what ever they want when ever they want.
18. Lawful Evil: Lawful evil is the methodical, intentional, and frequently successful devotion to a cruel organized system. Lawful evil characters methodically take what they want within the limits of their personal code of conduct (which are frequently their laws, as this alignment tends to only work for people in positions of power) without regard for whom it hurts. They care about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. They play by the rules, but do so without mercy or compassion. They are comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but are willing to serve. They loath to break promises, and are therefore very cautious about giving their word unless a bargain is clearly in their favor.
19. Neutral Evil: Neutral evil is pure pragmatism without honor and without variation Neutral evil characters do whatever they can get away with. They are out for themselves, pure and simple. No tears for those they kill, whether for profit, sport, or convenience, and they have no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make them any better or any more noble. On the other hand, they do not have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies.
20. Chaotic Evil: Chaotic evil is power without control, selfishness unfettered by any law. Chaotic evil characters do whatever their greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drives to do. If they are simply out for whatever they can get, they are ruthless and brutal. If they are committed to the spread of evil and chaos, they are even worse. Fortunately, their plans are haphazard, and any group they join or form are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as they can thwart attempt of assassination. These characters will commit any act to further their own ends. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the embodiment of chaotic evil.
21. Theme Tune, the characters musical theme song.
22. Character Background, the background of the character.
'''Forces of Good'''
Veno Galius
Biocore (Sort of, leaning towards Evil)
'''The Evil Power'''
Type: Paradise
While retaining all the basic shapes and jungles of Sands, Centrofeed (or Sands Mark 2) has its own species of animals that rapidly evolved when Brogen created the planet. While this planet is mostly Jungle there is a small desert ringing the planet from the North pole to the south and around the equator. On these rings is a huge base of evil. While the original Sands was the balancers' home world, Centrofeed was the home world of the Demon Stormers- Brogen's evil army empire. Since Brogen was killed and the solar system pioneerized , Centrofeed has become partially populated.
Type: Frozen Desert, not much unlike Antarctica on Earth
Any Ko-Matoran would love this planet for all it's worth. A Ta-Matoran would not. Half of the planet is covered in Ice and snow, and the rest is water. Gaining control of this planet could harness the power of Ice for either alliance.
Type: Metal-covered Lands
If it's made of Metal, you can find it on Metallica. If it sounds like Heavy Metal music (the kind that nobody seems to listen to anymore in the year of 2204), it's on Metallica. If you make a weapon here, consider yourself a very lucky guy. If you lose this planet to evil, well, you're screwed. The evil power LOVES metal.
Homeworlds (No description needed- not part of the 35 planets to conquer)
(More to come)

Revision as of 03:41, 18 November 2006

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Ultimate War is an online text based Role-playing Game.


Ultimate War: Ruins of Combat

(Special thanks to Veno Galius)

In the end of the last Ultimate War, which was a very long endeavor through 100 different planets with the total forces of good versus the embodiments of evil itself, Good once again triumphed over evil in a final spectacular showdown on Cybertron. At the very last moments, Veno Galius and the Toa of Time Vahiki, former enemies in the very beginning, landed a finishing blow of fused Holy light on the rampaging Zaiuka, purifying his heavily corrupted soul and ending the war. After his defeat, the alliance of Good decided not to fight on the rest of the 100 planets, as Evil had been thwarted from all of them already. Most of the war's participants left for their home planets when it was over, but some chose to stay with their allies and help rebuild each-other, including some humans (surprisingly).

Years later, various empires engaged war with eachother spontaneously (twice), but the battles were quickly terminated by the alliance of Good once more.

Now, the universe looks like nothing bad ever happened to it. The Miikretoran have finally settled down and are now allied with Razeo Nui, there is no war, and all economy is plentiful. However, evil is stirring up again in some parts of the universe, and 25 planets are now endangered. Will the forces of Good get together and triumph yet another time? Or will the Evil Power swallow up the 25 planets it seeks to possess? Who will you side with? Who is your ally? What is your goal?

Current Characters:

Forces of Good:

Veno Galius, Vahiki, Tahasu, Jeff, Arro, Aura, Gyth (Deceased), Vincent, Barcassen Flintsmith (Bidrake), Lobo, Kaila, Nero, Rekteha (Also on Neutral/Inactive), Dirtmaster, Gali, Pohatu, Jiff Trighterson, Kirby, Providence, Cirrus Moon


Korona, Aegis, Gilgamesh, Felix Krast, Biocore, Dekaan (Biocore's Spirit of Death), Linaak (Biocore's Spirit of Life), Fate (Biocore's Spirit of Mind), Thief (Biocore's Spirit of Body), Mastram, Horus, Kaden 'Rapi' Rapius (Deceased), Kialen, Luevesa (Inactive), Velorahk (Inactive), Rekteha (Also on Good/Inactive), Millenium (Unknown alliance), Blade (Inactive)

The Evil Power:

Pit, Jezzak, Abyss, The Assassin (Deceased), The General (Deceased), Adonis (Inactive, most likely dead), Mavrah (With Unicron), Omega (With Unicron), Emily Gates, Brogen (Currently deceased), Unicron, Ruthiel, Elion, Giygas

Current Planets:

Forces of Good:

Capricorn 11
Type: Earth Colony Description: Almost exactly like earth only what looks like ground is actually liquid and what looks like water is actually hard ground. Perfect living enviroment for humans.

Miikre-Nui (On Good by default)
Type: Stronghold of the Miikretoran Description: Click Here.

Type: Last line of defense for the forces of good Description: This planet is to dangerous to live on the surface because it is so close to its sun, Solezri, that all the inhabitants live underground. There are advanced citie down there and it is a last line of defense for the forces of good in case the other planets are overrun by the forces of darkness.

Neutral/Currently Fighting For:

Sands Type: Paradise A multi racial hub of activity, and the official 'Homeworld' of the balancers. Most of the planet is lush forest. Approximatley 45% sea. The planet is dominated by one huge city, named Gaia, which rests in the middle of a desert. It's mass occupies approximatley %5 of the planet's surface, but the true metropolis is in the pianet's core. It has been hollowed out and a minature sun placed in the middle. Using numerous artificial gravity projectirs somewhere between the hollowed out core and the surface (known as 'the shell'), the hollowed out centre of the planet has one huge city in it. This planet, while relativley heavily defended, is neutral. Taking it, though, would be a great victory for either side.

Vortexion Type:Mechanical Planet Hazards:Robotic creatures, strange magnetic storms. Description: Completely unknown to the universe, this giant planet was actually constructed by unknown forces. Every single substance on this planet, whether building material or energy, has NEVER (and I mean never, so don't make your character a fancy pants and say he/she has heard of it) been seen by anyone but its inhabitants. It is largely gold with glowing blue lakes of energy and clouds of exhaust and evaporated liquids. Strangely, the planet has developed a breathable atmosphere, and none of the ebergy sources on this planet are harmful, so there is no pollution whatsoever. The only harmful things on this planet are the strange mechanical creatures that rise during the night, and the freak magnetic storms that could rip anything to bits, except for the buildings that have special protection.

Metallica Type: Metal-covered Lands If it's made of Metal, you can find it on Metallica. If it sounds like Heavy Metal music (the kind that nobody seems to listen to anymore in the year of 2204), it's on Metallica. If you make a weapon here, consider yourself a very lucky guy. If you lose this planet to evil, well, you're screwed. The evil power LOVES metal.

天 (Heaven) Type: Utopia Description: This place is heaven in the Mortal universe. Completely opposite of Nerezza, you will see your greatest desires come to life upon landing. Anyone who takes this planet- and I repeat: ANYONE- will be rewarded with a prize so great they won't even figure out how great it is.

Type: The unknown portal to the Celestial Realm Description: It is a mere 3 parsecs away from the edge of the Universe and is the Unknown stepping stone to the Celestial Realm. It is mostly a dene, lush forest with many canyons. It is shrouded in mystery and if the darkness took hold of it... the effects would be catastrophic.

Anti-Warrior Production Base
Type: Mechanical Base Description: This is where all the AW's are manufactured, trained, stored, and disposed of. It is somewhere on the outskirts of the Damien solar system. Anti-Warrior Transports are always going in and out of this space station. It is not a planet, only a base.

The Evil Power

The Zerg:

Char Type: Volcanic Zerg Base Description: Char is one of the richest resource nodes in the sector- rich enough to rival that of Tarsonis, as the tectonic activity continually uncovers deposits of minerals. The temperatures on the planet Char can become so intense that large portions of the planet's surface become completely liquefied. During certain times, when the planet is furthest from the twin suns of the system, small islands form on top of these seas of magma. These bits of land are, not surprisingly, replete with minerals and greatly prized as sources of incredible wealth.

Fuuja Type: Jungle Nothing but miles and miles of forest and animals cover this planet's surface. Most plants can be made into a type of medicine to cure any Bionicle illnesses (except for the Miikretoran virus, an uncurable disease), but the rest are some of the deadliest poisons in the universe. Make good use of this planet if you get it, and use it wisely.

Halfmoon Type: Plasma Description: Halfmoon looks much like Tiamat, but in reality it's much different. First off, the surface doesn't kill you. Other distinctive features include plasma geysers which erupt ever 10 minutes or so all around the planet, an absence of floating platforms, very many mountains, and a giant rock formation somewhere on the planet that appears to be very radioactive enough to provide for deadly weapons. Consider yourself lucky if you get ahold of some of this deadly weaponry.

Pandemonius Type: Planetarial Death-Trap Description: This planet is exactly what the name suggests: a complete pandemonium. This planet may look like a flat and barren diamond ball, but everywhere you step could be your last for a long time. Anything could happen to you, from being incinerated by blue fire to being impaled by needle covered walls that pop out of the ground and close in on you like an oyster. Most people question the value of capturing this planet. Others state that exact value: Taking hold of Pandemonius would give you total of control of one of the most dangerous planets in the universe. Anyone powerful enough may be able to send the planet hurling towards another, causing total chaos.

Tarsonis Type: Desert A barren planet that nobody has seem to have inhabited yet. Nothing but miles of endless material and gases perfect for building a base anywhere. Only one downside, though: No water can be found naturally; instead you see tar. Water must be manufactured on the planet.

Tiamat Type: The 'Stay in the Air' kind of planet. That's right, if you touch the surface of Tiamat, you're dead. Finished. End of story. BUT... there are floating dirt platforms hidden in the clouds that can prevent certain death on Tiamat. A base well settled on one of these is at a very great advantage.

Popstar Type: Peaceful Dreamland Much is unknown about this planet, and the most any foreigner knows besides its name and type of planet is that 1. It's shaped like a giant star, and 2. It is currently threatened by dangerous nightmares. Rescuing this planet could prove very useful, but it is unknown for sure whether the effort is worth it.

Unicron, Omega, the Fiend, and there allies:

Trevest Type: Jugleloid Planet Description: Camoflauged against attack, only 2 sentiant intellegent beings have ever stepped foot. Still un none to all but the Diminutive Little Fiend and his forces. In the planets lush jungles several carnivores plants dwell.

Abyss, Brogen, Pit, and their armies (If marked by a "#" and a number, it's part of the Damien Solar System):

Damien (On Evil by default) "#" Type: Homeworld of the Damien Army Description: Damien, homeworld of the shadow lord Abyss, and his vast armies. It is a very large planet, comperable to our Jupiter, and every inch of it is covered in Shadow Toa. The entire planet will be watching and ready to attack unidentified presences. A large tower is under construction somewhere on the planet, and the residence of Abyss himself is unknown.

Braxis "#2" Type: Frozen Desert, not much unlike Antarctica on Earth Any Ko-Matoran would love this planet for all it's worth. A Ta-Matoran would not. Half of the planet is covered in Ice and snow, and the rest is water. Gaining control of this planet could harness the power of Ice for either alliance.

Centrofeed "#3" Type: Paradise While retaining all the basic shapes and jungles of Sands, Centrofeed (or Sands Mark 2) has its own species of animals that rapidly evolved when Brogen created the planet. While this planet is mostly Jungle there is a small desert ringing the planet from the North pole to the south and around the equator. On these rings is a huge base of evil. While the original Sands was the balancers' home world, Centrofeed is the home world of the Demon Stormers- Brogen's evil army empire.

Kuhvrist "#3" Description: Plenty of plantlife and water. Many natural resources and shelter. The only downside, deadly weather. Constant sandstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.

Hydrodous "#4" Type: Endless Sea Nothing but endless ocean and floating platforms encircling this planet are valuable things to point out for this planet. Once before fought upon, it is once again under attack by evil, a force that must be stopped.

Knothole "#5" Description: The entire planet's surface is made of wood, and the Atmosphere is composed of Hydrogen. In the center of the planet is a Giant Knothole that leads to the inside of the planet. Some of it's creatures are Giant Nocturnal Squirrels that eat lots of the planet. Inside the planet are enourmous Termites. The planet's wood also grows back incredibly quick. Anything broken off, or eaten by squirells grows back quickly.

Blorche "#6" Type: Cheese (Yes, Cheese) Description: Your eyes don't deceive you. This planet is actually made entirely of solid, regrowing cheese. Mountains are all cheese, trees are made of cheddar cheese, the cliffs are all swiss cheese, and even the water is made of nacho cheese. Beware, though, this planet is home to the slaughtering Rat people that eat cheese as well as metal. Be careful.

Venus "#7" Type: Scorching Wasteland Home of the world's most useful and valuable rubies, Venus is also the hottest planet in the universe. So many toxic clouds and nauseous gases float above it that making the first step onto it for a Matoran being feels like you just had a battle cruiser dropped on you. It's a wonder why evil would want this planet, but whatever the reason, if it took this planet, Earth would be in VERY grave danger. No human can survive from the climate of Venus, so the only chance of sure survival is if a Matoran army were to safeguard it from invasion.

Atlantia "#8" Type: Mega Ocean Planet Description: A Planet Covered with an Mega Ocean, The Only Civilations are Underwater, and Hate Outsiders, They are the Only Planet to Discover the Power of making Water into Fuel, and Using it Efficiently. If captured, It would make a Perfect spot to Add the 'Hydro-Combution Engine' to the Ships, making them being able to use Water aswell as other Fuels.

Slizatopolis "#9" Type: Throwbot homeworld Description: Having been long forgotten, the Throwbots (also known as Slizers) have ended their long war with eachother. It is a planet divided into 8 regions: Ice, Fire, City, Suba, Jungle, Judge, Rock, and Energy. It is still unclear how dangerous exactly this planet is to foreigners, but you can count on meeting the ancient Slizers once again upon visiting this planet.

Earth (Holy Terra) *Not in Damien Solar System* Type: Metropolis Throne world of the Imperium, Terra is the birthplace of human civilisation and has been its home for dozens of millennia. Classed as a Hive World, billions of humans seek out a living be they scribes or normal civilians, highly influential and highly ranked Adeptus Administratum officials or the sometimes fanatical individuals of the Adeptus Ministorum. Massive arcologies cover the entire surface of the planet, the Imperial Palace alone covering the better part of a hemisphere.

Relda and his Underworld

Type: Relda's Home/Unknown Description: Tarkkkaz doesn't have a surface, nor does it have a "sky". Tarkkkaz isn't even really a planet. It is more of a massive gas cloud circling a sun. It is said that deep within the center of the gas cloud, there is a small mass of matter that could be considered a planet, but it is no bigger then 1000 sq. miles. The strange curved surface and extremely low gravity make it difficult to traverse... but it is the dwelling place of Relda, who is the Ruler of the Underworld. The giant gas cloud is bigger then Alpha Centuri and is radioactive.

Type: Darkness and volcanic Description: Underworld is home to vampires, monsters, demons... basically everything that goes *bump* in the night. It cannot become a light planet and will one day be sent hurling into a black hole that it's sun left behind... and it will take all those on that are evil with it. On Underworld, evil spawns eveywhere for any or no reason at all.

Giygas: (None yet)

Auxillary (Not part of the 25):

  • Hoolran
  • Halo
  • Space Market
  • Nerezza (#1 orbit in Damien's solar system)

Description: Nerezza is Damien's moon. It is a small place, but it has a strange power over all who visit it. It traps you within yourself and you must face your greatest fears. Should you fail, the planet devours you and adds your soul to the darkness.

Rules, Guidelines, and FAQ


  1. There are 25 planets, each one unique, and the first alliance to either 1. Take over all of them, or 2. Destroy the opposing team, wins.
  2. Each side has a super space station and a combined army at their disposal.
  3. No God-Modding. That means this:
    1. No insta-kill posts and no dodging forever. The attacker must give a chance for the defender to react, and the defender can't keep dodging or taking hits without budging or taking damage at some point. That is illegal and will be handled by the indestructable Giygas.
    2. Also know that doing incredibly powerful things instantly from millions of miles away is also god-modding. Don't do it, or you'll be severely punished.
    3. You know what else is god-modding? Bunnying. For those of you who don't know (not pointing fingers at anyone), bunnying is a term coined up by Shadrahk- it's when you control how your opponent reacts. For instance, saying that "you shot someone, and then they fell dead" is bunnying. Unless you do it to your own characters that are fighting each other (which is perfectly fine), bunnying is god-modding. Giygas will have your soul if you bunny someone.


  • If you are in the Neutral alliance, you can choose which side to join with, and either side can ask you to join them the same way (Do this through PMs). Neutral players can request a pay in return, but it shouldn't be more than the other players can afford.
  • Team work is essential in war. Players may wish to control specific elements that compliment eachother (Like Earth and Fire or Water and Air, for instance). Combinations like these could prove deadly to the opponent.
  • PM eachother (Or IM- which ever is better) to discuss Out of Character strategy for the game. You don't want to give away your secrets to the enemy, or else they'll counter it with forces of their own!
  • Having FUN is the biggest recommendation for the players. If you don't have fun, you will lose. Guaranteed. What's that? You don't believe me? OK then, have fun losing.
  • Play Ultimate War like you're writing a book, and not like it's a silly board game. This'll help the plot go along smoother and be a lot more surplus in awesomeness. Ultimate War isn't like the Arena RPG in entirety- it's more like a combination of that and a serious traditional-style RPG (such as Aegis' LOST).


  • Q: Can I control every element?
  • A: No. You are limited to two elements. Yes, psychic is an element.
  • Q: Are we allowed to fight for a previous planet that's already been taken over?
  • A: Yes. Definitely. This isn't a battle to see who gets the most. It's a fight for the whole freaking control of each of the 25 worlds.
  • Q: Can we leave troops on a planet that's already been won by us?
  • A: Yes. Go ahead and leave troops to guard the planet. It prevents the enemy from taking it over instantly.
  • Q: For our race, can we choose to be human?
  • A: Were there humans in the previous Ultimate War? How 'bout Transformers? There's your answer.
  • Q: Can we control more than one character? Is there a limit?
  • A: Yes, and there is a limit of 10 characters.
  • Q: When do we start?
  • A: We have already started! And yes, you can join in the middle of the war.
  • Q: Do our special attacks have to relate to our elements?
  • A: No they don't. That's why they're called "Special."
  • Q: What defines a "Special attack?"
  • A: A "Special Attack" is an ability that is "usually" completely unrelated to your element, can destroy a huge chunk of an army, and usually takes a while to charge if powerful enough. You can have up to 3.
  • Q: That's dumb! Only 3 specials is a lame rule. Is there any other way to get more specials?
  • A: Ever tried tag team specials? You post which team members get together to perform a super special blast, decimating tons of stuff in the area. Only one tag team special per character, though. Sorry.
  • Q: Are we allowed to update our profiles as the war wages on?
  • A: You can't have plot twists without change. So yes.
  • Q: How exactly serious is this RPG?
  • A: Put it this way: There is no "Barbie" allowed in the Ultimate War. No Beanface, no Barney, no "kiddie" characters period (unless you can find a way to make them bad-anus). That's how serious this war is.


This is just a ranking chart of how powerful various characters are in Ultimate War.

  • Ridiculously Supreme: Korona
  • Defense against the God-Mods: Giygas
  1. Elion/Abyss
  2. Veno/Aegis/Mastram/Relda
  3. Vahiki/Providence
  4. Biocore/Cirrus Moon
  5. Aura
  6. Pit/Tahasu
  7. Jezzak
  8. Gali
  9. Kirby
  10. Pohatu
  11. Jeff
  12. Lobo/Vincent
  13. Arro


Character Specific

  • Korona- "Clubbed to Death" by Rob Dougan (from The Matrix Soundtrack)
  • Aegis- "Bat out of H*ll"- Meatloaf
  • Veno- "Soldier Side" by System of a Down
  • Vahiki- "American Idiot" by Green Day/"Live and Let Die" by Paul McCartney
  • Tahasu- "Move Along" by All American Rejects/"With You" by Linkin Park
  • The Assassin- "Burn it down" by Avenged Sevenfold
  • The General- "Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeth
  • Gyth- "The Flame of Youth" by Dragonforce
  • Lobo- "Countdown to Extinction" by Megadeth
  • Jeff- "Dreaming" by System of a Down
  • Biocore- "Bring me to life" by Evanescence
  • Arro- "Hero" By Nickelback
  • Mastram- "Ego Brain" by System of a Down
  • Jezzak- "Caught in a Dream" (Bionicle Website)
  • Rapi- "JENOVA" (FFVII:AC)
  • Aura- "Numb" by Linkin Park
  • Gali- "Requiem for a Dream" by ???
  • Kirby- "Final Flight ~Theme of Final Star" by Darkesword
  • Pohatu- "Everything I've Known" by Korn
  • Providence- "Frontline" by Pillar
  • Cirus Moon- "Can't Take It" by The All-American Rejects
  • Relda- "Farther Away" Evanescence
  • Elion- "Living Dead Girl (Remix)" by Rob Zombie/That one Green Day song that starts out with: "It's the end now, throw all your hands up!" I can't find the name of that song, so "Living Dead Girl" is a placeholder. If you know it, drop me a line. ~Veno
  • Brogen- "...and Justice for All" by Metallica
  • Pit- "Fight Fire with Fire" by Metallica
  • Abyss- "Master of Puppets" by Metallica
  • Giygas- "Enter Sandman" by Metallica

Other Songs of Power

  • "One Winged Angel, Advent Children version"- Gives a massive power boost to the dark side of all who the song is intended at.
  • "Mr Blue Sky"- Clears the weather.
  • "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"- Increases speed, resilience, and strength.
  • "Du Hast"- If sung in the true language of German, it gradually destroys random things surrounding the player. If sung in ENGLISH, however, it slightly powers up the player.
  • "So Cold" by Breaking Benjamin- Freezes the closest forces of the opposing team
  • "Thunderhorse" by Dethklok- A thunderstorm appears above the area, then swarms of thunder and lightning start tearing the place apart, friend and foe alike (but mostly foe and the area).
  • "Ride the Lightning" by Metallica- Same effects as "Thunderhorse," but it only targets a single character.
  • "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen- Gives the player and allies incredible power beyond all comprehension, ready for immediate use. This does not work on Veno Galius! Heavy Metal slightly powers him up as it is.
  • "Feuer Frei!" by Rammstein- Same as "Don't Stop Me Now," but it only works for Veno.
  • "Dice" Various effects during the current battle, ranging from mild power alterings, to terrain reshapings, to an auto-victory for either side during the current battle (not the whole war, though- that's bad plottage).

Ultimate War III: Long Live The Evil Power

After the great fall of Giygas and the disbanding of the balancers the universe fell into an uneasy peace. Except for one planet…

On this planet the legendary mask of magic fell from the heavens. A villager from a nearby town found the mask one day when out hunting, and it began to talk to him. He placed it in a shrine and brought villagers to worship it. They brought it all it desired and the entire town was entrapped in the mask’s cult for it had started it. After a year of worship the mask demanded raw materials be brought to it. It demanded hardened protodermis, titanium and all the diamonds they could get and more. These tasks killed several villagers yet they still worked themselves to death to serve the mask. After 30 years of this, and hundreds of pounds of raw materials the mask saw fit to tell the villagers how to revive its once great owner. It required a portal to the nether realm and a toa who fell into the unknown around the same time the mask arrived on the planet. The villagers first decided to take upon themselves the building of the portal. This required the raw materials they had gathered over the last several years and they were about to use it to build the portal when the Mask spoke. “Do not use the materials you have already gathered!” It warned, “If you do my owner will have nowhere to go, no you must gather more for the portal,” And they did. By the next year they had built the awe-inspiring portal to the nether realm. From there they set upon finding the toa that had been lost to the collapse of the great evil. The nine head cultists searched the planet far and wide, seeking the fate of the toa. The forth Cultist found the Great Library and in it a collected history of the second Ultimate War. In this book it listed the fate of each major participant. The only one that matched the mask’s description went like this: -and so, after being mortally wounded Bidrake forced himself into the void where he could heal until the universe needed him again. Since then his memory has faded from the minds of all but the Rahkshi. After reading this the forth cultist went back to the town to rendezvous with the other eight. He told them his findings and with the help of the mask they began to build a portal that would bring them to the void. The nine ravened the country looking for anything that could take them to the void, a teleporter or a stargate. No success. They continued looking across the entire world. The nine didn’t find anything until they reached the farthest northern point of their world. At the very top was a shimmering pool of what looked like molten magic. They cut it out of the ice in an ice shaped bowl which, amazingly, seemed incapable of melting. The nine carried it back to the village and placed it in a dugout hole in front of the mask. It told them how to go into the pool and retrieve the almost dead toa. They did so. Each jumped into the pool, one after another. Once inside it was clear the pool was a wormhole to the space between all dimensions, the void. They searched for about 5 minutes before the found the toa, floating. He was the only thing in the void after all. The nine cultists pulled Bidrake out of the pool and back to there village. There they set up a huge circle in front of the portal to the nether realm, surrounding the circle was all the raw materials they had gathered since the year after the mask had arrived. The Cultists took their places around the circle and placed the mask in a hover position above the toa, in the middle of the circle. They began to chant and chant, and chant. The portal to the nether realm turned on and as the Cult leaders chanted the raw materials from around them flew into the air and took the form of a toa. Part’s of Bidrake’s body flew into the form floating above him. A dark shape then emerged from the body of Bidrake. All around could sense it was evil, and the evil split into nine parts, each of it took a hole between the nine cultists, then it began to spin, evil surging through each of there bodies, and as it went through each one a bit of light was with it, the light moved into Bidrake’s body. The darkness stopped after going through 6 times, it then flew into the moving form of the body above the toa. The nine cultists were now dark shapes, you couldn’t tell what they were anymore, all you could tell was that they were evil. Now as they continued chanting a shape stepped out of the portal, it looked around seeing where it was and moved into the body that was forming above Bidrake. As it merged with the body, the body’s eyes opened and the mask attached itself to his face. He then hovered for another 3 seconds and slowly descended to the earth. He reached down on the near lifeless corpse of Bidrake and took a sword he had attached to his back. “I doth return, as I hath prophesized.” He said, “Now bow down to me as your master, Brogen, the Toa of Magic.” The nine cultists bowed in front of their lord and master. “You are now the mask wraiths,” Brogen addressed them, “Take these gifts from me and we shall roam the cosmos taking the universe for me.” Next to each wraith a robotic horse formed from the raw materials around them, along with a death metal sword, and a black ghostly cloak for each. A cloak then formed along Brogen’s back as a robotic horse for himself appeared. “Toss the nonbeliever back into the pool,” Brogen said. The last of the raw materials, and what had made the portal to the nether realm were then atomized into a great space ship. The 9 wraiths and their master teleported onboard.

Rules: · The object of the game is to capture/conquer the 35 planets before the other side does. The alternative is to kill all of the players on the other side. · No Balancers for the time being, because they disbanded. · No God-Modding. That means this: 1. No insta-kill posts and no dodging forever. The attacker must give a chance for the defender to react, and the defender can't keep dodging or taking hits without budging or taking damage at some point. 2. Also know that doing incredibly powerful things instantly from millions of miles away is also god-modding. Don't do it, or you'll be severely punished. 3. You know what else is god-modding? Bunnying. For those of you who don't know (not pointing fingers at anyone), bunnying is a term coined up by Shadrahk- it's when you control how your opponent reacts. For instance, saying that "you shot someone, and then they fell dead" is bunnying. Unless you do it to your own characters that are fighting each other (which is perfectly fine), bunnying is god-modding. Guidelines: · If you are a true neutral player you will always help the underdog in the battle. · If you have MSN, get on it when you know another player's on. If you don't have MSN, getting it is strongly recommended. This keeps the topic alive. · Team work is essential in war. Players may wish to control specific elements that compliment each other (Like Earth and Fire or Water and Air, for instance). Combinations like these could prove deadly to the opponent. · PM each other (Or IM- which ever is better) to discuss Out of Character strategy for the game. You don't want to give away your secrets to the enemy, or else they'll counter it with forces of their own! · Having FUN is the biggest recommendation for the players. If you don't have fun, you will lose. Guaranteed. What's that? You don't believe me? OK then, have fun losing. · Play Ultimate War like you're writing a book, and not like it's a silly board game. This'll help the plot go along smoother and be a lot more surplus in awesomeness. Ultimate War isn't like the Arena RPG in entirety- it's more like a combination of that and a serious traditional-style RPG (such as Aegis' LOST). FAQ: · Q: Can I control every element? · A: No. You are limited to two elements. Yes, psychic is an element. · Q: Are we allowed to fight for a previous planet that's already been taken over? · A: Yes. Definitely. This isn't a battle to see who gets the most. It's a fight for the whole freaking control of each of the 35 worlds. · Q: Can we leave troops on a planet that's already been won by us? · A: Yes. Go ahead and leave troops to guard the planet. It prevents the enemy from taking it over instantly. · Q: For our race, can we choose to be human? · A: Were there humans in the previous Ultimate War? How 'bout Transformers? There's your answer. · Q: Can we control more than one character? Is there a limit? · A: Yes, and there is a limit of 7 characters. · Q: When do we start? · A: When there's at least 2 different players on the Forces of Good(A good alignment),optionally 2 on true neutral and 2 on the Evil Power(Evil based alignment), that's when the Ultimate War begins. And yes, you can join in the middle of the RPG · Q: Do our special attacks have to relate to our elements? · A: No they don't. That's why they're called "Special." · Q: What defines a "Special attack?" · A "Special Attack" is an ability that is "usually" completely unrelated to your element, can destroy a huge chunk of an army, and usually takes a while to charge if powerful enough. You can have up to 3. · Q: That's dumb! Only 3 specials is a lame rule. Is there any other way to get more specials? · A: Ever tried tag team specials? You post which team members get together to perform a super special blast, decimating tons of stuff in the area. You can only have one tag team special with each character, that includes a tag team with more than one person. · Q: Are we allowed to update our profiles as the war wages on? · A: You can't have plot twists without change. So yes. · Q: How exactly serious is this RPG? · A: Put it this way: There is no "Barbie" allowed in the Ultimate War. No Beanface, no Barney, no "kiddie" characters period (unless you can find a way to make them bad-anus). That's how serious this war is.

Template: · Name: Picture: Race: Primary Attribute: Mask: Main Element: Secondary Element: Preferred Weapon: Starting Weapon: Vehicle: Special Attacks: Alignment: Theme Tune: Character Background:

· Template explained: 1. Name, the characters name. 2. Picture, a picture of the character, if possible. 3. Race, the type of creature the character is: human, matoran, toa ect… 4. Primary Attribute, what they’re best at: Strength, defense, intelligence, wisdom ect… 5. Mask, the mask of power the character wears, if applicable. 6. Main Element, the characters element, the element they are best at. 7. Secondary Element, the character’s second element they have somehow happened upon. This isn’t as powerful as the Main Element. 8. Preferred Weapon, the weapon style the character is the best at using. The character can do more damage with this weapon style. 9. Starting Weapon, the weapon the character starts with, can’t be really awesome. 10. Vehicle, the vehicle the character moves around on/in 11. Special Attack, the specialized attack of a character which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with either of their elements. You can only have three and they must be given a name after which is described exactly what they do. 12. Alignment, You side is determined by your alignment, which can be chosen from this list: 13. Lawful Good: awful good characters uphold society and its laws, believing that these laws are created to work for the good and prosperity of all. They believe that an ideal society is one with a well-organized government and law-abiding citizens. They are both honest and benevolent, and will work within the established system to change it for the better, and will strive to bring order to goodness that other good-aligned characters might pool their resources to better the world. Lawful good characters combine commitment to oppose evil with discipline. 14. Neutral Good: This alignment desires good without bias for or against order. Neutral good characters do good for goodness' sake, not because they are directed to do so by the law or by whim. These characters believe that the forces of law and chaos should not moderate the need for people to do good. These characters will support social structures only when they are for the good of the community. If overthrowing an existing social order is what needs to be done to foster good, then they will not be afraid to do so. Their need to help others and reduce suffering may take precedence over all else. 15. Chaotic Good: Chaotic good combines a good heart with a free spirit. Chaotic good characters act as their conscience directs them with little regard for what others expect. They believe firmly in making their own way in life, and dislike others who try to intimidate or use their authority on them. They are kind and benevolent, and are strong individualists, hostile to the claims of rules, regulations, and social order. These people will actively work to bring down unjust rulers and organizations and to liberate the oppressed. 16. True Neutral: A person who prefers to fight for who ever is losing a battle. Ex: The balancers as an organization. 17. Chaotic Neutral: Thinks life is every man for himself, and won’t join either side for any reason. Basically does what ever they want when ever they want. 18. Lawful Evil: Lawful evil is the methodical, intentional, and frequently successful devotion to a cruel organized system. Lawful evil characters methodically take what they want within the limits of their personal code of conduct (which are frequently their laws, as this alignment tends to only work for people in positions of power) without regard for whom it hurts. They care about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. They play by the rules, but do so without mercy or compassion. They are comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but are willing to serve. They loath to break promises, and are therefore very cautious about giving their word unless a bargain is clearly in their favor. 19. Neutral Evil: Neutral evil is pure pragmatism without honor and without variation Neutral evil characters do whatever they can get away with. They are out for themselves, pure and simple. No tears for those they kill, whether for profit, sport, or convenience, and they have no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make them any better or any more noble. On the other hand, they do not have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. 20. Chaotic Evil: Chaotic evil is power without control, selfishness unfettered by any law. Chaotic evil characters do whatever their greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drives to do. If they are simply out for whatever they can get, they are ruthless and brutal. If they are committed to the spread of evil and chaos, they are even worse. Fortunately, their plans are haphazard, and any group they join or form are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as they can thwart attempt of assassination. These characters will commit any act to further their own ends. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the embodiment of chaotic evil. 21. Theme Tune, the characters musical theme song. 22. Character Background, the background of the character.


Forces of Good Veno Galius Arro Vahiki Tahasu Viperav Zaiuka

Neutral Biocore (Sort of, leaning towards Evil)

The Evil Power Brogen Elion


Centrofeed Type: Paradise While retaining all the basic shapes and jungles of Sands, Centrofeed (or Sands Mark 2) has its own species of animals that rapidly evolved when Brogen created the planet. While this planet is mostly Jungle there is a small desert ringing the planet from the North pole to the south and around the equator. On these rings is a huge base of evil. While the original Sands was the balancers' home world, Centrofeed was the home world of the Demon Stormers- Brogen's evil army empire. Since Brogen was killed and the solar system pioneerized , Centrofeed has become partially populated.

Braxis Type: Frozen Desert, not much unlike Antarctica on Earth Any Ko-Matoran would love this planet for all it's worth. A Ta-Matoran would not. Half of the planet is covered in Ice and snow, and the rest is water. Gaining control of this planet could harness the power of Ice for either alliance.

Metallica Type: Metal-covered Lands If it's made of Metal, you can find it on Metallica. If it sounds like Heavy Metal music (the kind that nobody seems to listen to anymore in the year of 2204), it's on Metallica. If you make a weapon here, consider yourself a very lucky guy. If you lose this planet to evil, well, you're screwed. The evil power LOVES metal.

Homeworlds (No description needed- not part of the 35 planets to conquer) Miikre-Nui Razeo-Nui (More to come)



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