Biocore (Toa)

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Biocore is a fictional character made by the Mask of Destiny(MoD) and BZPower(BZP) member\\Biocore(duh). He appears as a half-white half-black Toa with unique armor, but his body is usually
Biocore is a fictional character made by the Mask of Destiny(MoD) and BZPower(BZP) member\\Biocore(duh). He appears as a half-white half-black Toa with unique armor, but his body is usually concealed by his white hooded cloak.
concealed by his white hooded cloak.

Revision as of 20:15, 27 October 2006

Biocore is a fictional character made by the Mask of Destiny(MoD) and BZPower(BZP) member\\Biocore(duh). He appears as a half-white half-black Toa with unique armor, but his body is usually concealed by his white hooded cloak.


Biocore is a Toa of Matter, meaning he can take a substance and change it's structure, allowing him
to turn certain things into whatever he wants. So far he is only skilled with solid objects, but can
do some liquids. He was recently transformed into a Balancer, giving second ability to control a
combination of Light and Shadow. He also has the secret ability to expertly disguise his voice, but

he hardly uses it.


Biocore wears the Kanohi Kodan, Mask of Phase. This allows him to shift a certain area somewhere else

(even out of existance). He has used this mask many times to escape trouble, but using it requires a
very large amount of power.


Biocore has a special staff with a small blade on the bottom and a large blade on the top. This staff
aloows him to use his powers more easily, and is very good in hand-to-hand combat. Because of his
matter powers, he crafts all sorts of extra weapons.
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