From Mk
I'll be putting some scripts I no longer use here:
Coin flipping script
; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; | MK's coin flipping script. Use /coin to activate yourself, or have others use ^coin on *:text:^*:#:{ if ($1 == ^coin) { coin } } alias coin { if ($nick == $null) { var %coinnick $me } else { var %coinnick $nick } var %coinrand $rand(1,6001) if ((%coinrand >= 1) && (%coinrand <= 3000)) { msg # %coinnick flips a coin! Heads! } elseif ((%coinrand >= 3001) && (%coinrand <= 6000)) { msg # %coinnick flips a coin! Tails! } else { msg # %coinnick flips a coin...and it landed on its edge. o_O } } ; | End of coin flipping script ; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dice rolling script
; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; | MK's di(c)e rolling script. Use /roll to activate yourself, or have others use ^roll #x d #y on *:text:^*:#:{ elseif ($1 == ^roll) { roll $2- } } alias roll { if ($nick == $null) { set %rollnick $me } else { var %rollnick $nick } if ($1 == help) { notice %rollnick Syntax: ^roll �x� d �y�; �x� is the number of dice to roll; �y� is the number of sizes on each die; between 1 and 50. halt } elseif (($1 == $null) || (($1 != $null) && ($2 == $null)) || (($2 != $null) && ($3 == $null)) || (($2 == d) && ($3 == $null))) { msg $chan %rollnick $+ , you somehow managed to screw up a fairly simple script. Type �^roll �help�� for help. } elseif (($calc($1) > 0) && ($calc($1) < 51) && ($2 == d) && ($calc($3) > 0) && ($calc($3) < 51)) { if ($calc($1) == 1) { msg $chan %rollnick rolled a d $+ $3 and got a $rand(1,$calc($3)) $+ ! | unset %roll* | halt } var %roll $calc($calc($1) - 1) var %rollout %rollnick rolled $1 d $+ $3 $+ 's and got var %rolltotal1 0 var %rolltotal2 0 :1 if (%roll == 0) { var %rollrand $rand(1,$calc($3)) var %rolltotal1 $calc(%rolltotal + %rollrand) var %rolltotal2 $calc(%rolltotal2 + $calc($3)) var %rollout %rollout $+ � and %rollrand $+ ! (Total: %rolltotal1 out of a possible %rolltotal2 $+ ) } else { var %rollrand $rand(1,$calc($3)) var %rolltotal $calc(%rolltotal + %rollrand) var %rolltotal2 $calc(%rolltotal2 + $calc($3)) var %rollout %rollout $+ � %rollrand $+ , var %roll goto 1 } :2 msg $chan %rollout } else { msg $chan Sorry %rollnick $+ ; please use natural numbers between 1 and 50. } } ; | End of dice rolling script ; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------