
From Mindef0717

Revision as of 11:14, 16 April 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Wiki Homework

Part 1: Your Own User Page

Every wiki user with an account has their own user page. For example, the user Mid0701's user page is at User:Mid0701. In your own user page, you should have the following:

  1. Your name.
  2. A picture of you (or related to you) that is uploaded to the wiki.
  3. Link to the 2 blogs you created in class.
  4. A section where you write a few things about yourself.
  5. A section for others to write about you.

Part 2: Class Page

  1. Add your name and ID (mid07xx) in your class page.
  2. Link your name & ID to your user page (done in part 1).

Part 3: Others' User Pages

  1. Go to 3 of your classmates' user pages.
  2. Add in a comment about that classmate. It doesn't have to be true, but try to be nice.

Blog Homework

Part 1: Your Own Blogs

Do the following for both your blogs:

  1. Post a blog entry with your picture.
  2. Post an entry that links to the class wiki, and your user page in the wiki.
  3. Post an entry that links to at least 3 of your classmates' blogs.

Part 2: Other Blogs

Do the following for 3 of your classmates' blogs:

  1. Post a comment in one of their blog posts.


When you have finished, go to the Homework in Eduservice, write something to indicate that you're finished, then click on "Save & Submit". You need to do this so that I can give you marks!

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