The Season 2 end Song

From Milonakis Wiki

Revision as of 00:35, 21 April 2006 by The thing (Talk | contribs)


Instead of having American Idiot by Green Day as his end theme, Andy Milonakis made a rap up by himself.


Yo the show is OVER so I gotta go SON. (Son!)

Go eat a PORK SANGWICH on a STICKY BUN. (Sticky Bun)

Thanks for STOPPIN' BY its been lots of FUN.

Gonna slap a GOOSE NECK now I'm on the run. (Run!)

Don't be sad cause I promise to come back.

I promise to rhyme tight and never ever wack.

I use old rap slang and call myself the mack.

I rock peas on my head but a brain is what I lack.

So if you like what you saw then come back next week.

If you dont your a dumb loser internet Geek. (Geek!)

I'm three parts crazy and two parts Greek.

Time to eat fetta cheese with my GRAPE LEAF BEAK!!!

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