From Midtiby
Revision as of 16:06, 5 April 2006 by HenrikMidtiby (Talk | contribs)
Hvis jeg falder over en interessant side ryger den herind ...
Blandet / Ikke sorterede
- Nature
- Science direct
- Lock-in amplifier
- Computermodeller af måleapparater
- Java appletter (fysik) [1]
- Projektil bevægelse [2]
- Python Cairo example [3]
- JMathNotes [4]
- Globulation2 (RTS spil) [5]
- MySQL reference manual [6]
- MySQL: Client does not support authentication protocol [7]
- LaTeX wikibook
- Citing and referencing using Bibtex [8]
- Dissertation with Latex [9]
- LaTeX kursus for ansatte (Linuxlab) [10]
- Eksempel med logo [11]
Handwriting recognition (online)
- Visual Input for Pen-Based Computers [14]
- From handwriting analysis to pen-computer applications [15]
Wacom driver linux interface
- Få fat i rå data fra digitizeren [16]
Hidden markov models
- A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in ... [17]
- Hidden Markov model (wikipedia) [18]
- Some Experiments with Hidden Markov Models [19]
- A Revealing Introduction to Hidden Markov Models [20]
- Structural Hidden Markov Models: An Application to Handwritten ... [21]
Hamilton Jacobi