
From Mhs Wiki

Orion Christophe Vendetta is Genevieve Vendetta's father and blamed by the Vendetta family, somewhat accurately, for the Vendetta curse. For the most part, Orion is an unknown quantity, with MHS viewers uncertain whether or not he's even human.



He has one.

His Time In The Spirit Worlds

He spent quite a lot of time -- just how much time is up for debate -- in the spirit worlds as Ecidyrue's human (?) lover.


Oh, hell.

Where Is He Now?

Speculation! Dead? Not Dead?


  • Has appeared in "MHS Special: Ne Me Quitte Pas" and "MHS Special: Going Down To Nowhere".
  • His eyes weren't always gold.
  • Other than him and the Lady of Knives and Mirrors, nobody remembers his first family name.
  • He is most often depicted near booze.
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