Devlin Fragston

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Devlin Fragston
He doesn't really smoke.
Aliases: Dezzles
Birth Date: March 6
Birth Place: Las Vegas, Nevada
Nationality: American
Death: N/A
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Blood Type: A
Genetic Status: Meta-Human
Relatives: Nubius (Father), Elyham (Mother)


Character Background

Dev's first character. Dev himself disliked this character at first, but he has grown on him, as Devlin has managed to give him at least a little depth, as compared to the none he had before. For the most part he acts like a normal teenager, but he also has a pretty dark side to himself.

Tools of the Trade

The knife implanted in his right arm. The bracer imbedded in his left arm.


Level 1 Arm Blade: Devlin, being a human weapon, has a blade seemingly implanted into his right arm that extends out from the palm of his hand for a foot when wanted. It cannot be pulled out, for as soon as a tugging motion is felt, a sharp pain shoots throughout the entire body and causes Fragston to writhe in pain.

Level 1 Arm Bracer: Along with the Arm Blade, Devlin also has a bracer implanted underneath the skin of his left forearm. This internal bracer provides a simple shield against close-ranged attacks and is as hard as that of steel. Seeing that the bracer is internal, the nerve endings tied to skin are still attached, meaning that even if something clashes with Devlin’s arm, it will still bruise and/or cut him, and he is still capable of bleeding. This bracer just provides a simple defense against more major attacks by blocking sword strikes without cleaving his arm off.


Devlin is less quiet nowadays, usually able to initiate conversations and carry them on. He uses hand gestures sometimes to get his point across, although he has finally realized that words do in fact speak a little bit louder than actions when conversing with other people. His heart has opened up, and Devlin has begun taking in people’s feelings and reacting as need be. The only things he personally takes seriously are his friends and himself; if something threatens him in any way, whether it be by looking at him in a disgusting manner or by attacking a friend, he will jump to defense, often times ending in physical conflict. He has a softer side for women, and tends to talk more when one is around. When he does speak, Devlin seems just like a normal teenager, but knows exactly where the line stands. He can’t stand people much weaker than himself, and doesn’t care about people with a higher overall strength, as he generally stays out of their way unless, of course, they threaten him or his friends. Devlin does not like to kill things, although he will in certain circumstances. If provoked enough, Fragston will throw his morals out the window and do anything to inflict pain on his enemy.

Devlin has also taken a severe liking to the game of poker, especially the game known as Texas Hold’em. He will play literally WHENEVER he is asked if he wants to, and he has even made up his mind that he will hold poker games every Friday if it is the last thing he does.


Born on March 6th, Devlin Fragston started studying when he was very young, and the first thing he learned was the ABC’s. Soon afterwards, he learned to count to ten. Nothing important really happened to him before then, besides his parents spoiling him and buying him toys and all of the other stuff a baby and toddler would want, since he came from a semi-rich family. In reality, though, his parents knew he was a breeded to become a human weapon. It seemed that a blade was implanted in Devlin's arm that he could extract when needed, but caused severe pain if pulled on even the slightest bit. One day when he was 5, he went over to one of his friend’s houses, and his father had a friend over. Little did Devlin, know, but his father's friend wanted to kidnap Devlin and use his abilities to his advantage. His father’s friend was a bit taller than his father, who was about six feet tall. He and his friend, Saymo, went out into his backyard and were playing ball, when in the distance three gunshots rang through the air. Both toddlers had no idea what the sound was, so went inside to ask Saymo’s mom. His mom told the two youngsters that it was a bad sound, but wouldn’t tell them what had probably happened, and a couple hours later, Devlin walked home. When he entered the house, it was eerily quiet, even to a little kid. He entered the living room, and saw both of his parents, Nubius and Elyham, lying inert—lifeless on the floor. He went over to his father first and checked to see if he was breathing, since in his studies he had learned that in order to live, you have to breath. He found nothing, so moved over to his mother. Still nothing. Then it hit him; both parents were dead. First, his eyes filled up with tears up, then a tear rolled down his cheek, then he burst out screaming and crying. He went to live with Saymo for a few years, his personality developing into what it is now. Then, they moved into town. He remained with them until he was old enough to be schooled, then went off to a small school, never to see Saymo again. He was thirteen then; two years later, here he is at the age of 15, going to Manga High School and he has done all he can to forget about his parents.

Log: Adventures at MHS

Lake Nica - Devlin and Amber Ramius meet for the first time. They show each other their powers, and Devlin moves closer to the water while Amber stays where she was.
Calle Waterfall - Devlin goes to the waterfall and admires it. Neither him nor Darrien meet each other, despite the fact they were both there at the same time.
Living Quarters - Devlin makes cookies and draws Kobita Schnellerton's attention, foiling Haduwig's plans of mauling Kobita with duct tape without knowing it. Kobita steals the cookies.
Forest of Itami - Devlin, Knives Angelico, Saori Sasaki, Darrien Hessel, Sir Artemis, Ryoko Taylor, and Abigail Anderson go on an adventure into the Forest of Itami. The entire adventure was an acid trip. That's about it.
The Quad/Hallways/Nurse's Office - Devlin meets Emerald Nightstar by tripping over the bench she was sitting on. Emerald escorts Devlin to the Nurse's office, and the two get lost in the hallways on the way there.
The Nova Room - Devlin attends Darrien Hessel's birthday party, hoping for the most part to keep it a secret. Darrien does his best to embarass Devlin, and it succeeds quite well. A couple conversations are had, and afterwards the party ends. Devlin, Darrien, and Emerald Nightstar go to a cafe for some coffee and have another conversation, ending with Darrien trying to get Devlin to flirt. That ended badly, and they finally decided to call it a night.
Living Quarters - Devlin, Kanami Miyamoto, Bethany Nobodycares, Abigail Anderson, Darrien Hessel, Reikia Pentan, Knives Angelico, and Vash Hellsinger play poker.
Harrison Cove - Devlin goes to a beach party, where him and a group of people compete for free frozen popsicles. But first, they have to get through the maze.
Downtown Buffalo - Devlin gets into a physical altercation with what seems to be a homeless man. Devlin throws the man into a dumpster and runs away.
Library - Devlin meets Eddie Hawke in the middle of the night in the library. They help each other work on their paper which is due the next day. This would no doubt be the precursor to a decent amount of adventures.
Forest of Itami - Eddie drags Devlin along on an adventure through the Forest of Itami to see if there are actually monsters in the forest. There are, and the two find out they're actually Pokemon. Devlin whines and bitches the entire time, and they finally decide to leave.
School Cafeteria - Devlin becomes Eddie's listener when she finally opens up about how she feels about her actions towards her roommate, Sapphire. Devlin tries to give advice but fails at it, though Eddie compliments him on being a good listener. Devlin is hugged and thanked by Eddie for the first and more than likely the last time.


Devlin is currently the first and only person Eddie Hawke has hugged or said, "Thank you," to.

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