Mazohyst Nanatsu

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Revision as of 06:37, 18 June 2009 by Mazohyst (Talk | contribs)
Mazohyst Nanatsu
Aliases: {{{aliases}}}
Birth Date:
Birth Place: Livermore, California
Nationality: American
Death: N/A
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: Purple/Violet
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: O
Genetic Status: A cross between genetically, magically, and organically engineered meta-human
Relatives: None


Character Background

The brooding wanderer archetype has always been an interesting one to Mazo (the creator). This incarnation of Mazohyst loosely based on the concepts of past RP-characters such as Kazuo Kitagawa; a solemn swordsman trapped in a different time and era than the one he's used to, as well as early incarnations of the Mazohyst character. Those previous Mazohysts were far darker and crueler, deliberately killing for profit or whatever interested them at the time. Eventually, the idea to convert those ideas into a more 'dark protaganist' stuck, and Mazohyst Nanatsu was created.

The idea of Mazohyst being created from an aborted child was taken from a song, Mazohyst of Decadence in which the lyrics are in the point of view of a fetus (or whatever) being aborted. Arlo thought that was a cool idea and used it, adapting the name Mazohyst as the character's name.


Raison D'�ªtre

Mazohyst's, a seed of corruption, weapon has reached greater potential. Instead of the gunblade-like weapon it once was, it has evolved into a twisted weapon. Twisted in a metaphorical sense, perhaps even physical due to it's disturbed and obviously chaotic appearance. But alas, it is still a useful weapon, despite it's obvious pecularities such as it's "layered/plated" look, hooked tip, skulled edge, and it's odd looking handle

While it's appearance makes it look like a very unnatural weapon and ceremonial, if not decorative, weapon, it is still a very pratical one through use. Slashing is done the same way with strikes. Obviously stabs wouldn't be very wise at all seeing that it isn't a pointed sword, but obviously there would be cutting action. Also, due to the hook part near the tip it can be useful for grabbing onto things like ankles, limbs, or even trapping an enemy's weapon into it. The skull part of the blade works similar to a saw if necessary, however it can still cut very, very cleanly.

The 'plated' and 'layered' parts of the blades do seem decorative like the rest of the weapon, yes, but it still serves its purpose well enough. Like the rest of the weapon it can cut very cleanly, and like the skull portion it can be used like a saw if necessary, though Mazohyst prefers not to as it takes more time and is more efficient to simply just hack and slash.

In length the entire blade is ninety two centimeters (a little over three feet and an inch) in length. The weapon is surprisingly light for it's size, although at the same time durable. In total weight it weighs in at 1 kilogram (a little over two pounds).

All in all, a very bone-chilling sword.



Aside from his blade-type weapon, Mazohyst has an actual power. Using his own energy, the teenager can convert it to a violet colored form of electricity. It acts the same way, shocking, numbing, etc. He can use it in several ways.

The first way is simply shooting it at someone. That can be done two ways, either by charging up energy into his hand then launching it or by focusing energy into his gun, charging up the gun and the bullet making it stronger and giving it magical and elemental properties, not only that when a bullet makes contact with anything it shocks said target in addition to anything within a few feet of the point of impact. Also, he can charge up the bladed portion of the gun so that it too has magical and elemental properties, also when doing this the blade glows violet and is static-y in appearance, as well as growing two feet longer.

The last use is merely convient and nothing more. He can use it like a magnet, though it isn't that strong at all. Just enough to lift a couple pounds so it doesn't serve much of a purpose other than picking things up like pencils and soda cans.


Although still young, Mazohyst is normally taciturn and quite reluctant to speak. Thus, he serves as one of the obligatory calm, mysterious, and often stuck-in-the-past teenagers attending Manga High School. And I must say, he fits the bill well.

He usually comes off as calm and apathetic, almost too much. Sometimes that is true, other times it is not. Of course, he does not intentionally ignore people. If someone interacts with him through words or physical actions then Mazohyst would reply back in some way or form. Well, that way or form would likely be a short, blunt, and calm (occasionally annoyed or irritated) reply. But as a teenager and human (well, close enough), he often does get illogical. Especially under a large amount of pressure or through other means.

Anyway, Mazohyst often shuts himself out from others physically and emotionally. Never the one to have a long talk about his feelings or anything like that, he prefers not to talk about it. Often replying with a blunt, "I don't want to talk about it" or something of the sort. Physically, it works pretty much the same. The teenager normally does not like physical contact but he doesn't mind it that much. Hugs and things like that are fine, but a little awkward. Pushes and shoves are not.

So, it's pretty apparent he isn't very sociable. After all, the violet eyed teenager doesn't commonly go out simply to meet people, instead preferring to be by himself. But that isn't completely true. Being a teenager, his teenage persona is still intact. Occasionally he requires contact with people though he normally lets them come to him rather than the other way around. It can be people he trusts or people he doesn't know well, either way being a teenager he accepts a minimal amount of attention and social contact. Though, it fluctuates pretty rapidly from minimal to OVER NINE THOUSAND.

Also, as a teenager he's pretty suceptible to things like women. Though not wanting to admit it, Mazohyst is somewhat easily seduced. Though, like previously stated about his craving for attention, it fluctuates a lot. Sometimes he can be pretty damn ignorant and apathetic, other times he just wants to tear off his pants. Sexual frustration isn't very friendly. But neither is he half the time. And neither are drugs! But he smokes cigarettes still.

So, Mazohyst is a somewhat complex person. Well, as much as anyone else really. Nevertheless, most of the time he's apathetic and calm. Other times he can lose his cool and loses his judgement and logical thinking. But aren't we all like that...sorta?


A tragic childhood, one could say. Born a sin, he is a seed of corruption. His mother was a prostitute, his father a client. Fortunately, both good looking for their circumstances. Anyways, you know how condom's work like 99% or something? Well, Mazohyst happened to be the minority here. His mother, scared and unwanting of a child, had an abortion.

Unlike most victims of abortion, Mazohyst...would not die. Instead, the abortion doctor sold the would-be infant to the occult. The doctor did not know what the men he sold the thing to, or who they were, all that mattered was the profit. So, in short, from before birth, Mazohyst was corrupted.

Of course, the people who took in the unborn child weren't going to use him for good. But rather, to breed power, hatred, and so on and so forth. He was to be a child of destruction and to be used just for that purpose, destruction. Utilizing dark, occult energies, they forced growth on the dead...well it wasn't really alive persay anyways. Well, they forced growth on Mazohyst, so he began to grow normally.

As he grew, so did the curiousity of his existance. He grew older, aging normally like humans, the cult who brought him up taught him, as they refused to let him go to school like the, as they called them, inferior humans. Instead, he was stuck with the other subjects of this cruel and sinister project for he was not the only one.

They were like brothers and sisters to him. Mazohyst didn't quite know any others so they were his only friends. Training, studying, growing, and aging were done with them. Fights were frequent but they were the only people he had actual relationships with as his superiors were nothing but teachers, and asshole teachers at that. After all, of course a sinister cult full of scheming old geezers who pratice black magic are evil!

Anyway, when he was fourteen a sudden turn would occur in his life. Mazohyst was forced to fight his comrades, his siblings. It wasn't the first time but this time was different. This time was to the death.

At first they did not take it seriously but eventually the threat of death from their surperiors motivated enough to slay their own kin. Slay they did, and that day it rained blood. Only one was left standing, one who was covered in his brother's and sister's blood and entrails. It wasn't pleasant at all for it scarred him for life, both physically and mentally.

After that Mazohyst had nothing to do. All he had was himself and the annoying cult who held him like a freak on a leash. He grew to resent them and soon Mazohyst decided what he should do from there.

Ironically the day he took action was a sunny day. No clouds or rain, it seemed that even the heavens would not weep for the sick, sadistic bastards that brought up Mazohyst. Using the powers he had Mazohyst snuck up on them and killed them. It was easy as the old geezers were well...old and he was fairly strong at that point.

Now he had nothing. Absolutely nothing but himself. He had nowhere to go until... Until well, he saw an ad for this strange school. Everyone was different not just physically and mentally, but they had powers just like him. Well, not like him but well you get the point. To pay his tuition the teenager sold all of his former mentor and sibling's belongings for a great amount. From there he set off to Manga High School with the intent of not only becoming stronger, but also to figure out what to do with his life.

His Time at MHS

Nothing very interesting so far.


  • Likes: Caves, Morbid things, fighting
  • Dislikes: Bright colors, talktative people, loud-mouths and vulgar people, ignorant and stubborn people, demonologists/necromancers, dark magic, and a few other things, stalkers
  • Hobbies: Walking, smoking, excercising, napping.
  • He deeply hates being followed and when he feels paranoid he often has his hand near his weapon.
  • Doesn't nessecarily consider people friends, rather he thinks of people as acquaintances.
  • Smokes Wild Se7en Cigarettes, which is a fictional brand that Mazohyst just made up. Although, he got the idea from a novel called Battle Royale by Koshun Takami, where in the novel a character is nicknamed Wild Seven after a cigarette brand and his name's kanji as well as another character smoked Wild Seven Cigarettes.
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