Ramius Family

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Ianael (Ian Ramius)

Dominion Class Rogue Angel, Ianael.

Age: Unknown

Race: Angel

Class: Dominion, Rank 1

Bio: In Heaven, Ianael had always been an obediant and loyal angel to the Creator. He had witnessed both the Fall of the Morning Star and the Fall of the Watchers, for it was his job to know such things. Despite what he knew and what he had seen, his attitude towards humanity changed upon a young girl - Ciana Bianchetti remained such abright and cheerful person despite her entire world constantly shattering by events. The love for this girl grew with time but he only kept an eye on her...until her life was in danger. He abandoned his post to save her life at the nick of time.

The two fell in love and could not bear to be apart from each other; Ianael left his post for the final time to go into hiding and to live in bliss with the love of his life. The Dominion of high rank and the woman who loved him had broken a serious taboo, one that was certain to have repurcussions. Before Ciana became pregnant, Ianael revealed all the information he could about himself, what was going to happen and most of all, their future. Ciana chose to remain by his side, caring for him when Heaven Withdrawl Syndrome fatigued Ianael, though most of their troubles would begin the moment Ciana finds that she's pregnant. Angels and demons alike begin to follow them, some outright attacking them in order to kill the child. Ianael and Ciana had to go into hiding many times, using forbidden angelic magic to cover their tracks. As the time of birth became closer, Ianael took the grave chance of returning to heaven and imploring help from the one person he knew would never betray him, Rasiel. Together the two angels were able to stunt the growth of the child's wings, though it is uncertain how it was done. However the method, it worked: a beautiful baby human girl was born.

Ianael and Ciana were doting parents and very protective of their daughter, knowing there were beings out there that wanted her dead. They constantly moved those first five years, trying to throw off their trail and live in a sort of peace. For the most pat it had worked...except for the "calling", a summon from the Creator himself. No angel was able to ignore the powerful call. Though Ianael had managed to forego the call for a long time, a point was reached where he no longer could.

Ianael literally vanished before the eyes of his daughter and wife. Ciana took the leave quite hard but continues to carry fond memories of him being a very loving, kind father to Amber. Presumed dead.


  • He likes curry and traveling long distances.
  • Very forgetful at times, Ciana has poked fun of him for it.
  • Somehow had stunted the growth of Amber's wings, with the help of Rasiel.
  • A kind person that hates to see human suffering.
  • Actually alive and well, last seen in Australia with one Orion Vendetta in "Ne Me Quitte Pas". How he escaped Heaven is unknown.

Ciana Ramius

Beautiful, Doting Mother of two and Mercenary, Ciana.

Age: 38


Occupation: "Mercenary", "Cover-all Agent" for Vendetta Family

Bio: Amber's beautiful, doting mother. She loves her daughter more than anything and would go so far as to cover up her murders to make sure she's safe. She diligently pledges her alligence to the Vendetta family, as they keep her working of course. She's close with Michael Vendetta in particular and unbeknownst to her, she has met the mother of "V" Vendetta long ago. Ciana has the bad habit of drinking too much and is extremely protective of her daughters. She still mourns the loss of first love, Ian.


  • Consistant drunkard, but a cheery woman.
  • Treats (and huggles) V like her own child, and huggles both Amber and V's friends randomly.
  • May have growing, unspoken feelings for "Mikun"
  • Likes to surprise people, especially with information such as "I was a sniper."

Ria Misaki-Ramius

Hyper, adopted little sister, Ria

Age: 13


Bio: Amber's hyperactive little sister. Ria has known Amber since she was six years old and loves her as if she was her own sister. In fact, troubles in her own family in Japan caused her to run away to the States and Ciana decided to adopt her into the family. She was the one who suggested Amber dress in Gothic Lolita clothing when her wings first grew out. She is enamored with her sister's wings and is oblivious to her darker half. It is possible she may have powers on her own...


  • Makes up nicknames for others quickly.
  • Calls Amber "Onee-chan", sometimes mimics Goth-loli style.
  • Favorite snack is green apples.


Homicidal Uncle, Virtue Rank Angel, Rasiel.

Age: Unknown

Race: Angel

Class: Virtue, Rank 3

Bio: Amber's homicidal uncle. He held Ianael to such high regard and love. He blames Ciana and Amber for corrupting his brother and swears his life to killing both. He feels utter hatred for Ciana for tempting Ianael and even more for his neice for being both a corrupted being Heaven pursued and the reason for his brother's tainted soul. He is willing to relenquish his rank as Virtue in order to exact his revenge.


  • Vain beyond belief, sees himself as higher being then humans
  • Annoyed easily by Barbiel.
  • Most likely obsessive-compulsive, wipes his hands after coming in contact with humans.
  • Hates Ciana, Amber, Slash and Vash(in that order).
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