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Revision as of 07:01, 29 July 2007 by (Talk)
Ruby getting into Character

Ruby is an Australian girl who for some reason spends her free time on the roleplay site Manga High School where she spends more time in chat then actualy posting. This fact does not seem to phase anyone, the one exception being Eddie. Ruby has two characters; Sapphire Day and Stella Midnight, the spelling skills of a 6 year old and a habit for getting stalked by emo rpers. (see Knives.)



Ruby attends MHS, where her best friend there is fellow australian Eddie. She knows all the people in chat (all the ones that matter, anyway) and is much loved for her kookyness and for the random yet important thing she has to say. She enjoys talking to Eddie on the phone about everyone else at MHS.

Other RolePlay Experiences

Destination Hogwarts


Raydon City

The Death of Reality

others that Ruby can not remember and must therefore be crap

Manga High School

Ruby started at MHS in 2006 when she was home sick one day. While her post count is pretty low, she is known as one of the regulars as she is on chat so much. She befreinded Eddie while trying to avoid Granom, who was trying to date Ruby's character Stella. Eddie then let Ruby have her new character Lucas to go out with Stella, and the two then became friends.

Stella Midnight

Stella Midnight was Ruby's first character, and is pretty much the nicest person in the whole world. She has the ability to shoot fricking awesome stars at opponents and heal minor injuries. Ruby has no idea where the idea for Stella came from, but the 16 year old white haired glow in the dark alien girl is a favorite at MHS, mainly because she is pretty much impossible to be mean to. Both Granom and Bender 5000's characters hit on Stella continually, even though they had NO chance.

Sapphire Day

It was months later that Ruby chose to create her next character, Sapphire Day. Sapphire was created at the request of Knives for some creepy reason, but was not introduced into MHS until after Eddie had promised to introduce a character based on herself who would protect Sapphire from Knives. Sapphire is part fox for some reason, which is cool. She can also manipulate the way people around her feel by singing. Again, it's way random, but cool.

Relationship Turmoil, The Crazy Stalker Story

Ruby met an american boy who went by the nickname Knives. He was the The Knives' Cut's lead singer. The two became close and did share feelings for one another at a stage. However, Knives' feelings for Ruby went batcrap insane and he started to get rather clingy. He proclaimed some hardcore love for her, and assumed they were dating when clearly, it was not official. Unfortunately, because Knives' feelings had already gone batcrap insane, he figured they were and was deeply offended because she cheated on him.

Needless to say, after all this clingyness and weirdness, Ruby's affection for him began to slip. And when his mistakingly called her at 3 in the morning, that was more or less seen as the last straw between the crumbling bridge that was the internet relationship between two people that'd never met and lived on opposite countries.

However, Ruby was away at a camp for a week, and instead sent fellow Australian girl Eddie in to man the scene and take action. Eddie set Knives straight, and he believed that she had either lied about going to camp or had either gone there to get away from him, because apparently he had such a mega impact on the way she lived her life. After this, Knives went way emo and started his own band with local shitty RPer Granom and reluctant but money hungry Eddie. The band had one hit, She doesn't love me anymore so I'm in a fiery hole in hell because of my internet heartache, which was based on his life experience with Ruby. And of course, she was not impressed, or flattered in the least, and was quite happy when the band broke up.

List of people who have hit on Ruby

(even those who were jokeing)



Maku (mainly to annoy Knives)






Ruby is much loved

Eddie tells Ruby all the things Maku and her bitch about

Ruby and Eddie are MHS besties

Ruby hates Granom, but doesn't tell him because that would be mean

Ruby is still scared of Knives

External Links

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