Mazohyst Nanatsu

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J0KtSF As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you
J0KtSF As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you
Aside from his gunblade-type weapon, Mazohyst has an actual power. Using his own energy, the teenager can convert it to a violet colored form of electricity. It acts the same way, shocking, numbing, etc. He can use it in several ways.
The first way is simply shooting it at someone. That can be done by charging up energy into his hand then launching it or by focusing energy into his weapon, charging up the weapon, making it stronger and giving it magical/elemental properties. Essentially, it'd 'shock' someone as well as cut them. It isn't a real shock but it sure as hell feels like one, burning, numbing, etc. He can also shoot out the energy through his weapon.
The ability to move objects with his energy was once a mere convenience, now it is something to be feared. He can now hold heavier objects, the limit being the energy has the exact same strength as his arms. However, that still sounds like a mere convenience, right? Not really, he can move objects as far away from ten feet and can toss them with the same power as his arms. It seems very much like limited telekinesis, only replaced by thin, arcing strands of Mazo's violet energy.
The power's best use isn't just throwing objects at enemies, rather Mazo can remove the four violet blades/plates on his sword and control them, having them float and circling around him defensively. When combined with his Mind's Eye, which allows him 360 degree vision, he can block with four plates held up by his energy from every side. Of course, the blades can be used offensively, supplementing Mazo's attacks by attacking at random angles. If Mazo wishes, he could just hold the entire sword with this energy and attack that way.
Of course, since it uses energy it affects Mazo mentally and physically. Heavy objects take a lot of strength to lift, just as it would if he were using his body instead. Thankfully, since Mazo mostly sticks to using the lightweight plates on his blade he doesn't have to worry about heavy lifting for the most part. Though, of course, swinging and defending with them does take energy but again the same amount it would take if he blocked it himself.
When using this ability Mazo's entire body glows with a static-y violet aura, reminiscent of his trademark energy blasts.
===Mind's Eye===
A very useful ability that works upon activation, though it often acts on its own when it senses danger. Spider sense? Perhaps. But that's not the main point. Rather, it increases Mazohyst's sight by fifty percent. It does that by increasing his clarity over a fifty percent longer distance than normal and pretty much its like he's viewing the world through a nice HD TV or something. But, that is not the main point either. What is is that he can see to his sides and actually... He can see behind him. But wait? Everyone can do that! Well, Mazohyst does not even need to turn around let alone move his eyes. He can see all around him. Behind him? He can probably see you. To the left? Yep. It essentially gives him a 360 degree sight range around himself as well as above and below. Although, below is limited so his eyesight is pretty much a dome. But still, it's awesome and allows him to react much faster and see things around him and see that which he does see very nicely. Also, the fairly increased vision applies to everything he sees, whether he is using the power or not. When he is not it applies to his normal vision, when it is on it applies everywhere.
* Infrared Vision (Mind's Eye Upgrade)
* Malevolence (Macabre Upgrade)
* Malice (Malevolence Upgrade/Release)
* Decadence/Decadence (Partial)
* Shockwave
* Abomination's Might
* Shadowstep

Revision as of 08:28, 1 January 2016

Mazohyst Nanatsu
Aliases: {{{aliases}}}
Birth Date:
Birth Place: Livermore, California
Nationality: American
Death: N/A
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: Purple/Violet
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: O
Genetic Status: A cross between genetically, magically, and organically engineered meta-human
Relatives: None

zKwFBh The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!

J0KtSF As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you




Mazohyst has opened up a fair amount since his arrival at MHS. Not as taciturn as before, the teenager finds himself able to speak more naturally and casually than before. Still, he comes off fairly calm and collected. If the teenager isn't familiar to who he's speaking with he may appear distant, and perhaps a little bit cold. However, he is not quite as apathetic or impassive as he once was.

Of course, that does not mean he's completely open. On the contrary, the teenager does not enjoy long winded conversations about how he feels, likewise with matters of his past or childhood. When such subjects are brought up Mazo replies with a blunt, "I don't want to talk about it" or some other refusal of that nature.

Despite his occasional coldness, the teenager still enjoys the company of others. Unless of course he finds them to be over talkative, arrogant, or outright annoying he's become quite tolerant of others. Of course, it's rare that he'll just randomly approach someone on campus and initiate a conversation. More often than not he'd be approached and he prefers it that way. However, when out of campus he may approach his fellow students instead of following them around or annoyingly lurking without saying a word.

The violet-eyed Mazo has a strong sense of loyalty and trust in those who he considers his friends, seeing fighting and dying for them as a better alternative than leaving them behind. To those who harm his friends, emotionally or physically, Mazohyst's anger would likely fall on them like a swift hammer of justice.

And you would not like being on the teenager's bad side. When enraged his actions may become chaotic and quite unpredictable, lashing out angrily with blades and/or swords. Fortunately, it seems to take a lot to elevate his mood from frustration to true rage.

Mazo is a complex person, but just as much as anyone else really.


A seed of corruption. He was born to experience cruelty well beyond the imagination of most humans.

It only made sense that a child who was born to slay was spawned from two sinners. Half of this couple that helped to create him was a prostitute. The other was a bored husband looking for some cheap thrills. Unknowingly, the condom was ineffective. Apparently since condoms work about 99 percent of the time Mazohyst was the 1 percentile of failure. Of course, this was only the beginning of a saga of corruption.

The next period of his life was to be his last. Both unfortunately and fortunately, he was given a second chance. While an abortion is not a second chance to pretty much everyone, it would be for him. For once he was aborted from the prostitute the back-alley abortonist had further plans for this dying child. The unloved child was sold to a group of necromantic, demonic, cult members. He was one of many unloved children involved in the group's project aptly titled Les Miserables, or The Miserable Ones, in French.

What could these people do with this much children? Why what else would evil men do to humanity? Corrupt them. And corrupt them they did. They wanted to use these dying children to breathe a blighted life and existence to them, hoping that they would be excellent tools for their goals. Did it work? Obviously it did.

Seventy had died in the process. Seven had survived the process. The process was nothing more than gene manipulation, soul manipulation, human sacrifice, deals with the devil, and other things. Okay, that isn't very simple, but well that's how things went down in short. Anyway, these seven peers Mazohyst had would become the closest people he would ever have to family. To him, they were brothers and sisters.

With them they trained, fought, learned, and other things. Of course, they weren't learning basic cirricullum, rather they were learning to kill, pillage, steal, and other sins. Of course, they were learning normal school stuff as well. But anyway, the seven miserable ones were becoming close, almost too close.

When Mazohyst was only fifteen the cult decided to take action. They had to seperate them, even if it meant killing them. Their reasoning was that because they were becoming so close that they felt threatened by their power. In truth, it was the miserable children that were stronger. Anyway, the group had constructed a great plan. A battle royale to the finish. The winner would become their champion, their tool, their pawn...

Mazohyst and the other Miserable Ones were pitting to fight to the death. All were reluctant at first but eventually instinct, pressure, and other things attributed to their aggression. They began to fight to the death. Only one would stand...

The one who had slain his own brethern was Mazohyst himself. He had killed his own family and it shook him to the core. From there he became submissive and followed orders without question.

At age sixteen however his submissiveness began to subside. Mazohyst began to become angrier and angrier. He was becoming increasingly difficult to control. Eventually he decided it was his turn to take action...and more importantly - revenge.

In the still of the night he killed the cult which had brought him up. He did so completely without remorse, in fact once he had finally did the deed he felt happy even. Relieved that they were gone from the face of this earth.

But with that solution came another problem. Where was he to go? He couldn't live off stealing like a petty criminal. And instead of deciding to simply kill himself, he decided to take his punishment for killing his siblings. His sentence was life...

With that, the teenager set off to start his own life instead of living by the sinister template that was set before him years ago. After hearing of an ad about Manga High School, Mazohyst Nanatsu pawned virtually all of the cult's belongings for a very large amount of money. From there he set off to new experiences at Manga High School. Hopefully there he would realize what to do with his life.

His Time at MHS



  • Likes: Caves, Morbid things, fighting,
  • Dislikes: Bright colors, talktative people, loud-mouths and vulgar people, ignorant and stubborn people, demonologists/necromancers, dark magic, and a few other things, stalkers
  • Hobbies: Walking, smoking, napping
  • He deeply hates being followed and when he feels paranoid he often has his hand near his weapon.
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