Jayna Teresi

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This is for the Invision board. For the EZMHS and before see Kender.

Jayna Teresi
Aliases: {{{aliases}}}
Birth Date: January 16th 1992
Birth Place: Mt. Olympus, Greece
Nationality: Greek
Death: N/A
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Deep Violet
Blood Type: N/A
Genetic Status: Harpy
Relatives: Mother and Father


Character Background

Origanly designed as a knock off of a humanoid cyborg, Kender decided to redesign her off of a D&D character he had designed a few years ago. She was mostly designed because Kender needed a new character to play.


Harpy's Blood and Talons

Jayna's blood is mystical in nature. She is one of the legendary Harpies of Anchient Greece. Her mystical nature gives her wings and talons for feet.


Jayna is extremely curious individual. Having been raised away from human society, she is very curious of anything human related. She doesn't understand things right away and most times needs to have basic things explained to her. Because of her up bringing, she is very wary of all other supernatural beings, especially Angels because she follows a different god, or gods in her case.

Having been born like she is, Jayna is very wary of crowds of humans. She tends to be very wary of male humans especially, after what had happened to her family years before. All Jayna wants in life is to fit in and not be made a spectacle, especially since she is a walking piece of mythology. She has a strange idea of friendship of that if you treat friends like family and family like friends.

Jayna is a princess of her people, thus she has a slight problem with authority and taking orders. However, in dire circumstances, she will take orders from anyone that isn't her father or mother. She also tends to be a bit of a girls girl. Frills and lace and all things that separate men from woman. She can read/write and speak Greek, Latin and English.


Jayna was born on Mt. Olympus to the ruling family of the harpies, making her a princess. As such, she has had a very privileged upbringing. Being raised on the same level as the gods, she has watched humanity from above, not being apart of it for many years. She was not allowed much of a life growing up, but she did have a close connection to many of those legendary creatures of Greek myth. She was raised by Aphrodite and Athena along with most harpies, sirens and others. The goddesses taught the girls all they knew. Aphrodite taught them about beauty, wits and how to raise a family while Athena taught them combat, knowledge and friendship.

When Jayna was 6, her parents decided to show her what harpies really did for the gods. It was then that little Jayna knew that she was really a small being in the world. They brought her to Zeus himself. Zeus reached out a single hand and Jayna was able to sit comfortably inside of it. The "Father of the Gods" explained to her that harpies were his servants. They went forth and did what he needed them to do. He showed Jayna a harpy that had gone forth to bring a message of impending death to a small farmer. The farmer, who was elderly and sick, saw the harpy and bowed his head in prayer to the gods, even if he didn't believe in them. She saw a large amount of harpies fly in and out of the underworld, delivering spirits to Hades. Jayna saw his mother and father, swoop down from Mt. Olympus and catch a small boy before he fell to his doom. Zeus explained that the harpies were instrumental to the life cycle. If someone was not meant tp die yet, he sent a harpy to save them. If they were, the harpy would go to escort the soul to the next stage of life. Jayna knew, then, that she was just a tool of the gods, yet she felt great happiness in the fact that she could save lives. She asked Zeus one question, if she could be used to save lives, rather then take them away. Zeus just smiled and handed her down to Athena.

At the age of 8, Jayna was instructed in combat by Athena and Ares. They taught her swordplay and tactics and, most of all in Jayna's mind, archery. She didn't excel at swordplay and tactics bored her, but archery came natural to her. Because of this, Apollo took her under his wing to teach her more. In one year, she had excelled at archery so well that Hephaestus started to make her s special bow, one that has yet to be finished.

Jayna was 9 when she first met the rest of the famous Greek legends. A great council had been called as was usual every 500 years to decide if showing themselves to the world was right or not. Because she was a princess, she had to be there at her mother and father's sides. She never knew such creatures existed till then. She found herself a friend in Hermes, who kept flying past her whispering jokes and things into her ear. She was fascinated in the Sphinx, the Centaur, the Satyrs and the Griffons. She was quite frightened of Chimera, the Dragons and, above all else, the Cyclops. The council decided that, soon, one of their own should venture forth and learn more about the world as the growing number of meta humans was making it easier to be seen in public.

When she was 12, her parents decided to show her what it was like outside of her sanctuary of the gods. They took her to a cave that was just below the cloud cover that protected the sanctuary since the beginning of time. While they were observing, a group of hunters wandered upon the cave. Her family tried to hide, but they found them and tried to kill all three of them. Jayna refused to come down for two more years.

When Jayna was 13, her father went out to deliver a soul to Hades. During his flight back to Mt. Olympus, he was shot in the chest by the same group of hunters that caused her to have nightmares about how they looked at her family when they first saw them. Her father survived to make it back, but could no longer be a messenger for Zeus. Zeus, who was upset that a group of humans would have shown such little disrespect for her father, cast them to the same island that he had cast Phineas so many years before. It was here that the hunters suffered from hunger as large amounts of harpies swept in and stole their food as they found it.

At 14, she came down, on her own, to gaze upon the ocean and watch the humans. It was then that she saw a fishing boat start to sink. She flew down and caught one fisherman and flew him to a nearby island. When she went back for more, she found some mermaids rescuing the rest. She had a long discussion with one of the mermen and learned that humans feared what couldn't be explained, like people with wings and talons or that have the lower body of fish. When she returned that night, she had a better understanding of humans, but still had a great fear of them.

Jayna was a harpy princess, but all harpies answered to the Gods. Aphrodite had a task that she assigned to Jayna at the age of 16. She wanted to learn more about the human society and culture as a whole and the affect that the gods have had on history. Aphrodite asked her parents to look for somewhere safe to send her and they found out about Buffalo. Deciding that it would be the best place to send Jayna, they enrolled her into MHS.

Her Time at MHS

coming Soon


  • Likes: Music, Litiature, The Greek Gods and Goddesses and other mytholgical beasts
  • Dislikes: Angels, Demons, Humans
  • Hobbies: Art
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