Rayd Legion
From Mhs Wiki
Revision as of 15:06, 16 December 2007
Character Origins
The Character Rayd first appeared on a roleplaying bored based around the Metroid universe as a Galactic Bounty Hunter much like a male version of Samus Aran. Unfortunately the board never took off and the character never went anywhere. That was until not long after, he was reworked Into a Dragonball Z RPG Character on a very popular board. He lasted through 2 versions of the board, taking part in the main pivotal storylines before each restart, the second of which saw him reaching his Super Saiyan form during the final large scale space battle.
Unfortunately the board began to die slowly and Rayd was moved to another Dragonball Z board by the name of Shards of Crimson where he became a veteran character that was very well known. Here he managed to reach Super Saiyan 3 during the final battle before the boards first restart. After this restart he had used the Potarra Earrings to fuse with the character Vegeta from the TV Series, creating the 'Vayd' incarnation. Vayd was the first character after the restart to reach 100,000 PL and the Super Saiyan form, he was also the strongest character on the board around the time it died.
Around the same time as Shards of Crimson, the Rayd Legion MHS knows and loves was being created on the board Zoids Battle League. This version was definitely the closest to the MHS Rayd down to the clothes and even the trademark sunglasses. The character started off as a small-time Zoids pilot, before becoming a veteran character and joint Team Captain of one of the strongest teams in the League. By the end of the boards life, Rayd had become one of the best pilots after custom building a Zoid called the Omega Liger and piloting it to war along side his best friend Lucas Akira. This same Rayd also had a small stint on another board created by the makers of Zoids Battle League called Zero Substance, and while this was the first Rayd to have supernatural powers somewhat similar to that of the MHS Rayd, the board didn't really last long enough for him to be used to his full potential.
And so it was around this time that the Rayd Legion of Manga High was created, a teleporter whose past was dark and mysterious, as were the origins of his powers.
The Manga High version of Rayd Legion, is the closest to the true version. The true version having a back story almost identical, as well as the appearance and personality. However the True Rayd's real story is not set in Manga High, this being the main difference. The creator hopes to bring the True Rayd to life through his writing one day.
The last incarnation of Rayd to come about was made as a second character on The Legend of Zelda RPG. He was more of a spin-off type character after the main character, the Hylian Hero, Syhr was almost killed by dark magic, and as a result, his Zora Mask took it's own form, the result being the Zoran Mage Rayd... An arrogant assassin trained in the way's of magic and stealth.
So over the years, Rayd has had many incarnations, These Include (Links will be added when acquired)):
Rayd - Metroid Captain Rayd Legion - Zoids Battle League Saiyan Rayd Legion Rayd Legion - Bounty Hunter (Star Wars RPG) Zora Rayd - The Legend of Zelda RPG Rayd Legion - Manga High
To Be Continued...