Mazohyst Nanatsu

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===Raison D'être===
===Raison D'être===
Quite a peculiar weapon indeed though it serves its purpose quite well. One of the few bladed pistols around, the length of this weapon is quite a considerable amount for a handgun, stretching out to a length of eighteen inches. The handle is different than most handguns because it is a little more straightened out and is much more horizontal becausee without it the bladed part would be harder to use. The weapon has a chrome steely look with a black handle.
[[Image:Raisondetre.gif|thumb|120px|left|Gunblade/Knifepistol or whatever.]]Quite a peculiar weapon indeed though it serves its purpose quite well. One of the few bladed pistols around, the length of this weapon is quite a considerable amount for a handgun, stretching out to a length of eighteen inches. The handle is different than most handguns because it is a little more straightened out and is much more horizontal becausee without it the bladed part would be harder to use. The weapon has a chrome steely look with a black handle.
The blade portion is more suitable for slashing than anything else. Stabbing wouldn't go very far as the barrel would get in the way after a few inches of penetration, but it still works. The slashing motion most used is the same motion one would make when pistol whipping someone. The blade can also be removed with a push of a button and a little effort to pull it out. However, use of the blade is a little tricky as once removed it does not have a hilt and the handle is only about six inches long. Though, if his hand does happen to slip, the blade is dulled near the handle so it won't inflict too much damage at all. It also has a sheath so he can safely hold the gun at the area where the knife is when the sheath is on.
The blade portion is more suitable for slashing than anything else. Stabbing wouldn't go very far as the barrel would get in the way after a few inches of penetration, but it still works. The slashing motion most used is the same motion one would make when pistol whipping someone. The blade can also be removed with a push of a button and a little effort to pull it out. However, use of the blade is a little tricky as once removed it does not have a hilt and the handle is only about six inches long. Though, if his hand does happen to slip, the blade is dulled near the handle so it won't inflict too much damage at all. It also has a sheath so he can safely hold the gun at the area where the knife is when the sheath is on.

Revision as of 09:12, 6 August 2007

Mazohyst Nanatsu
Aliases: None so far
Birth Date: December 12
Birth Place: Livermore, California
Nationality: American
Death: N/A
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: Purple/Violet
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: O
Genetic Status: A cross between genetically, magically, and organically engineered meta-human
Relatives: None


Character Background


Raison D'être

Gunblade/Knifepistol or whatever.
Quite a peculiar weapon indeed though it serves its purpose quite well. One of the few bladed pistols around, the length of this weapon is quite a considerable amount for a handgun, stretching out to a length of eighteen inches. The handle is different than most handguns because it is a little more straightened out and is much more horizontal becausee without it the bladed part would be harder to use. The weapon has a chrome steely look with a black handle.

The blade portion is more suitable for slashing than anything else. Stabbing wouldn't go very far as the barrel would get in the way after a few inches of penetration, but it still works. The slashing motion most used is the same motion one would make when pistol whipping someone. The blade can also be removed with a push of a button and a little effort to pull it out. However, use of the blade is a little tricky as once removed it does not have a hilt and the handle is only about six inches long. Though, if his hand does happen to slip, the blade is dulled near the handle so it won't inflict too much damage at all. It also has a sheath so he can safely hold the gun at the area where the knife is when the sheath is on.

The gun itself is also of course a weapon, which is pretty obvious. It fires .454 Casull Rounds and the gun is a semi-automatic six-shot revolver. The gun uses the energy from a firing round to automatically rotate the cylinder and cock the hammer in place. It typically suffers the same problems as most revolver type handguns. That is they are slow to reload and have low ammo capacity. The only thing that Mazohyst can do to remedy that problem is to carry speedloaders and moonclips. Another problem many revolvers suffer are loudness and recoil. Loudness doesn't matter much to him and as for recoil...the weapon itself is heavy enough that the recoil is fairly insignificant. Though the sheer weight of the weapon does not bother him at all as he is a fairly strong individual.



side from his gunblade-type weapon, Mazohyst has an actual power. Using his own energy, the teenager can convert it to a violet colored form of electricity. It acts the same way, shocking, numbing, etc. He can use it in several ways.

The first way is simply shooting it at someone. That can be done two ways, either by charging up energy into his hand then launching it or by focusing energy into his gun, charging up the gun and the bullet making it stronger and giving it magical and elemental properties, not only that when a bullet makes contact with anything it shocks said target in addition to anything within a few feet of the point of impact. Also, he can charge up the bladed portion of the gun so that it too has magical and elemental properties, also when doing this the blade glows violet and is static-y in appearance, as well as growing two feet longer.

The last use is merely convient and nothing more. He can use it like a magnet, though it isn't that strong at all. Just enough to lift a couple pounds so it doesn't serve much of a purpose other than picking things up like pencils and soda cans.


Mazohyst is strange in the way he was raised and trained, but like most humans (or well...close enough to humans) there are several layers which make up his persona.

At first, he seems generally apathetic and pretty boring. He doesn't go out looking for relationships or people to talk to, so generally he's just sitting there doing nothing or whatever. Despite that, if properly motivated , he will go out and do whatever he needs or wants to do. Also, he can sometimes seem indecisive and undependable but he will do something and choose to do something if nessecary like previously stated.

As a result of what has happened previously in his life Mazohyst has become quite withdrawn. He keeps his past, his emotions, and his personal life to himself. If asked about what he feels or about his past he either ignores the question or responds with a "whatever" or "I don't know" or a "I don't have to tell you." It's pretty easy to grasp a general idea of what has happened to him physically and emotionally, physically if one were to spot a scar or so on him and emotionally/mentally because of the way he behaves.

The dark haired and clothed teen is not at all very social. Because very few people have befriended the teenager in his lifetime he isn't too used to coming in contact with people, so he doesn't go looking around for people. If someone were to come to him he wouldn't really do much.

Despite his unusual calm and somewhat withdrawn demeanor, his emotions do change of course. Happiness, anger, etc. all occur within him, it just doesn't happen much. Generally, he doesn't care enough about emotions and things don't really get to him. But when happy, all that really shows that he is are his eyes and mouth. His eyes aren't as cruel-looking and his mouth forms a half-smile. As for anger... Anger occurs much more, but still that is not saying much. Mazohyst is usually only angered if pushed too far, though he becomes annoyed much more often. When either one, his eyebrows may furrow and he'll frown a bit.

As a result of his past he doesn't fight very often. He never really goes looking for a fight or participate in fights unless he's pretty bored or if someone pursues him. Though, if he did get in a fight, Mazohyst would never back down.

In combat he wouldn't try to intentionally injure or kill someone but it may happen. He tends to either do it till either party gives up, loses, whatever. Regardless of that fact, Mazohyst is incredibly passive towards death, violence, and killing. If he has to he will do it and he can stare death in the face without flinching or looking away. At times he seems almost unaffected by death unless it is the death of someone close to him. But if it were someone close to him he would feel for them, perhaps shed a tear, but in the end he would deny his feelings for fear of letting his feelings out.

Generally, the teenager is a hurt individual that can't escape his past, try as he might. Also, he is pretty social inept and withdrawn, keeping to himself. If he were to open up to someone he might just reveal himself, though he still wouldn't be the most fun or flamboyant person. He never is, and he'll probably never be. Till then, Mazohyst is just fine with sitting around and smoking a cigarette while everyone else is enjoying themselves.


A tragic childhood, one could say. Born a sin, he is a seed of corruption. His mother was a prostitute, his father a client. Fortunately, both good looking for their circumstances. Anyways, you know how condom's work like 99% or something? Well, Mazohyst happened to be the minority here. His mother, scared and unwanting of a child, had an abortion.

Unlike most victims of abortion, Mazohyst...would not die. Instead, the abortion doctor sold the would-be infant to the occult. The doctor did not know what the men he sold the thing to, or who they were, all that mattered was the profit. So, in short, from before birth, Mazohyst was corrupted.

Of course, the people who took in the unborn child weren't going to use him for good. But rather, to breed power, hatred, and so on and so forth. He was to be a child of destruction and to be used just for that purpose, destruction. Utilizing dark, occult energies, they forced growth on the dead...well it wasn't really alive persay anyways. Well, they forced growth on Mazohyst, so he began to grow normally.

As he grew, so did the curiousity of his existance. He grew older, aging normally like humans, the cult who brought him up taught him, as they refused to let him go to school like the, as they called them, inferior humans. Instead, he was stuck with the other subjects of this cruel and sinister project for he was not the only one.

They were like brothers and sisters to him. Mazohyst didn't quite know any others so they were his only friends. Training, studying, growing, and aging were done with them. Fights were frequent but they were the only people he had actual relationships with as his superiors were nothing but teachers, and asshole teachers at that. After all, of course a sinister cult full of scheming old geezers who pratice black magic are evil!

Anyway, when he was fourteen a sudden turn would occur in his life. Mazohyst was forced to fight his comrades, his siblings. It wasn't the first time but this time was different. This time was to the death.

At first they did not take it seriously but eventually the threat of death from their surperiors motivated enough to slay their own kin. Slay they did, and that day it rained blood. Only one was left standing, one who was covered in his brother's and sister's blood and entrails. It wasn't pleasant at all for it scarred him for life, both physically and mentally.

After that Mazohyst had nothing to do. All he had was himself and the annoying cult who held him like a freak on a leash. He grew to resent them and soon Mazohyst decided what he should do from there.

Ironically the day he took action was a sunny day. No clouds or rain, it seemed that even the heavens would not weep for the sick, sadistic bastards that brought up Mazohyst. Using the powers he had Mazohyst snuck up on them and killed them. It was easy as the old geezers were well...old and he was fairly strong at that point.

Now he had nothing. Absolutely nothing but himself. He had nowhere to go until... Until well, he saw an ad for this strange school. Everyone was different not just physically and mentally, but they had powers just like him. Well, not like him but well you get the point. To pay his tuition the teenager sold all of his former mentor and sibling's belongings for a great amount. From there he set off to Manga High School with the intent of not only becoming stronger, but also to figure out what to do with his life.

His Time at MHS


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