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==Personal Statistics==
==Personal Statistics==
'''Real Name:''' Derek
'''Real Name:''' Derek----
'''Gender:''' Male
'''Gender:''' Male----
'''Age:''' 16
'''Age:''' 16----
'''Location:''' Michigan, USA
'''Location:''' Michigan, USA----
'''Orientation:''' Straight
'''Orientation:''' Straight----
'''Characters:''' Devlin Fragston, Leon Khagma
'''Characters:''' Devlin Fragston, Leon Khagma

Revision as of 00:14, 29 July 2007

Raising the People's Eyebrow, ready to kick some jabroni ass.



Dev is the head Administrator at Manga High School. Everybody loves him like a God. Not really, but most people do like him, at least. He takes both sides of an argument before reaching his conclusions, and the said conclusions tend to be efficient ones. Apparently there is more than one side to a former member blatantly god-moding, although the admin fails to see what the second side could possibly be. Perhaps the said former member is just a dumbass. Well, not perhaps, he really is. Oh well, you get the point.

Personal Statistics

Real Name: Derek---- Gender: Male---- Age: 16---- Location: Michigan, USA---- Orientation: Straight---- Characters: Devlin Fragston, Leon Khagma

Manga High School

EzBoard Era

As stated above, Dev is currently the head admin of Manga High School, due to Itami not doing anything for the board in pretty much just over a year. People tend not to have a problem with this, as he listens to their problems and works his hardest to solve them. Dev started his Manga High School career a few years back when Suzuki Otogi was the owner of the board and was dueling with Anime High School administrators about "stolen rules." No one quite remembers the exact date, but Dev believes it was sometime in 2003.

Shortly after the war between Suzuki and Anime High School was over, Dev was promoted by Itami to Moderator status. As Moderator, Dev did an amazing amount of pretty much nothing, only doing things when told, although he has always had good input when the good of the board is threatened. Dev disappeared for a good amount of time, returning for a short while and offering his services once more to Itami, who still hadn't done anything. At the time, the board was pretty much being run by Merciah and Dev's good friend Tai.

Shortly after talking with Itami, the more-than-lathargic owner of Manga High School promoted Dev to Administrator status. Dev did a few things, learning the ropes of accepting character powers from Kobita. When he first started as an Administrator, however, Dev was a complete dumbass and had no idea what to look for in character flaws, even going so far as to telling a potential member that the ability to talk to trees was overrated. Dev also tended to ignore character histories, which brought some heat from various members about someone he accepted named ghetto blasta. Yes, the name is uncapitalized. Don't ask why, Dev has no idea. After than incident, Dev began pwning up the character sheets as he saw fit, although he is still pretty lax as to who he lets in. He is getting better, though. Anyways, Dev also took a break somewhere in between all of that, leaving Manga High School for about six months before returning in the midst of a nearly adminless era in the School's life. What Dev fails to mention is the fact that Merciah and Tai had the place running decently in his absence, but let's not talk about that, as Dev has know idea what the hell happened.

When Dev returned to Manga High School, he was quick to jump on the ball and try to correct many of the wrongs the board had seen. Itami was pretty much nowhere to be found as usual, Tai was working in construction and had nearly no time to get online, Merciah was in the Navy and out on a tour of duty, and CoolCupcakes had gotten married and left the board, unbeknownst to just about everyone. Dev quickly jumped on the many pending character profiles and made sure to get through as many updates as possible. During this time Dev also spent a lot of time in chat, creating friendships with the many chat-goers and receiving input as to what would make the board a better place.

The Move

Directly after EzBoard was hacked and suffered massive losses, Dev suggested the idea to staff members that Manga High School be moved to either InvisionFree or ProBoards. InvisionFree was, of course, his first choice due to the many different features. The only downside was the lack of a decent chat room. Many other members thought this would be a good idea as well. Itami actually popped her head in for about a week and asked what should be done. Merciah suggested that Manga High School stay on EzBoard and wait for Yuku, which is supposed to be an upgrade (it is, in fact, a downgrade. Yuku sucks ass, don't believe otherwise). And so months would pass with no action. Itami disappeared to Japan and Merciah had personal things to deal with in life (Dev thinks).

Then came the day when Dev was all alone in running Manga High School, along with then-moderators Kobita and TheFlojo. Merciah and Itami popped up every once in a while, but didn't really do too much. A couple members banded together and confronted Dev about moving the board. When it was revealed that Dev had in fact created a Manga High School board on InvisionFree, the said members were up in arms about the secret act that the Administrator had committed. Dev blamed the secrecy on Itami and all was forgiven. A couple weeks later, EzBoard Gold ran out and it would cost $55 to renew for a single month. Dev was all like "aww HELL no!" and opened the InvisionFree board to members, stating that the board was transferring. Dev did, in fact, make this decision completely on his own, correctly believing that this was the best move for the board.

InvisionFree Era

This brings us to the current Era, the InvisionFree Era. Members new and old flocked to the new Manga High School, jumping for joy at the new board that pwned EzBoard so much. After a week of searching, Dev found a reliable chat room that is now in use every day by the various citizens of Manga High School. And by Dev found it, he obviously means Sora12 found it. The other Administrators, save Tai, seemed to dislike Dev's moving of the board. Dev confronted Itami about it some months later, and Itami was no longer pissed off at Dev's antics. This really was just out of wanting to be nice, Dev really didn't care what Itami said, as she couldn't do anything. Dev is, after all, the sole owner of the ROOT Administrator position. He is the unofficial owner of Manga High School now, and dedicates many hours of his life to make sure that it runs efficiently. He recently promoted sugoisake (more commonly known as Kary) to Moderator status, which is perhaps one of the few instances of a rightful promotion in Manga High School history.

Just recently, Merciah has returned. The former Administrator did not want his Administrator status back, however, and Dev kindly agreed. Just a day prior to Merciah returning, TheFlojo resigned from Moderator status, stating that he lost all interest in Manga High School. The current staff at Manga High School is led by Dev and consists of Kary and Kobita. And they all lived happily ever after.

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