MetaPost Wiki

From Metapost

Revision as of 22:44, 24 September 2006 by Zielaj (Talk | contribs)


Welcome to Metapost wiki

This site is indended as a community-editable MetaPost FAQ directed mainly at beginner-to-intermediate level users.

What is it?

This site is not a replacement for existing pages and mailing lists. It does not aim at answering every possible question related to MetaPost. The main mission is to answer most common practical questions about not only the language itself but also its implementations and iteractions with other programs. In other words, to let people get started with MetaPost easily.


There are some questions that appear on the Metapost mailing list quite often, so I thought it might be useful to create a dedicated Metapost FAQ. When encountering a problem, 99% of novices give up and only 1% ask for the solution. Don't let petty problems problems prevent people from experiencing the amazing power of Metapost!


  • [Font problems]

Useful packages

  • latexmp
  • boxes

External pages


Style guidelines

The preferred content is either: (i) overview-style articles or (ii) step-by-step guides. Concrete, easy to use examples are essential. Pictures are good. Try not to confuse beginners with too many details. Writing a section about your favourite MetaPost aspect/problem/package is a good way to start.

Editing basics

  • What can you do with a wiki? a tour and use pre-made templates
  • How do you create a new page? [2 easy ways]
  • Learn how to use **bold**, italics, tables, and more: [WikiStyle|The wiki style page]
  • Share this wiki with others. easy

Wiki successfully set up.

First Steps

The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin.

  1. Important: Log in as admin and go to Preferences to change your password!
  2. Write down your password.
  3. On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo that you want in the upper left corner of your wiki.

Other optional things to do

  • Control the rights of anonymous and logged in users through the Control Panel (which can be found in the toolbox on the left side of this page).
  • Add the url for your wiki to the Categorized wiki list. Simply edit that page and put your wiki under the appropriate category.
  • To increase the amount of space you have for uploads, add links to from external sites, and go to the Link Quota Page to increase your uploads quota.
  • Edit MediaWiki:Sidebar to change the navigation menu
  • Add this wiki to some external wiki indexes:
  1. Wikipedia list of wikis
  2. WikiIndex
  • If you are feeling adventurous and know a little about web design you can edit the javascript and css to the Header to change the look of your wiki.
    • You must log as admin to do this
    • Whatever you enter in this page will be added to the html in the header after the standard style sheet, so you can override styles.
  • Read the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.
  • Add your wiki to the map of wikis
  • Add a message to the Feedback Page if you see anything that could be improved.
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