Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

From Melliemaster

Revision as of 20:12, 23 February 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

by Naughty Dog

Gameplay 7.5/10
The gameplay is very innovative an easy-to-use. however, there are some cons. The cursor when aiming with your weapon is very slow. When trying to hide behind something, you end up where you DON'T want to hide 10 out of 9 times. Mostly, screaming Leeroy Jenkins works better then stragetically hiding behind walls and making headshots
Story 9/10
A great story that will constantly suprise you. the best would be the Nazi-Zombies. that's so freaking awesome.
Graphics 9/10
Nice, beautifull well-textured and well-rendered 3D models.
Background Music 7/10
The background music styles are mostly the same style. which isn't excatly good or bad.
Sound Effects 9/10
Very realistic. as if you're sucked into your screen. If you have a Surround Sound system, you're gonna enjoy it.
Creativity/Originality 9.5/10
dude, Nazi-Zombies? that's the best anyone has come up in the history of history.
Customization/Options 8.5/10
A nice arsenal of weapons. you can choose which one you want to use, depending on your own preferences.
Re-Playability/Fun 7/10
Even tough the game is really fun, I wouldn't want to go trough all that shit again.
Characters 9/10
Nate: Awesome
The Chick: Hot
Sully: Cool
Eddie Raja: Gangstah
Antagonists: Neat
Nazi-Zombies: FUCK YEAH
Levels 8.5/10
Nice athmospheric levels all the time. Beautifull environments.
Overall 8.5/10
Actually an 8, but an extra 0.5 points for the Nazi-Zombies. THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOO COOL!

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