
From Meda360 Spec

Revision as of 20:24, 17 November 2006 by Sarah (Talk | contribs)

Here is a sketch of the courses page.

Image:Course Descriptions3.jpg

Unique courses
General: noted with (g)
Journalism: Reporting/Adv Reporting, Pub Design, Writing for Print (g), B&W Photography (g), Index
F/V: Elements of Prod, Studio Prod (g), Field Video, Editing, Screenwriting (electives: Sound Design & Animation)
Int. Media: Elements of MM (g), Designing for Elec Media, Proj Design & Plan, Proj Dev, Programming for MM, Web Design
Overall: Senior Projects (g) & Internships

Wildcard Categories
Index, Pacific Productions, Internships, Forensics, Index
Out in whitespace? Next within various majors? Category in courses of their own? Fifth category of information on main page?
One video encompasing all the extra-curriculer activites

Classes: Writing for Print, B&W Photography, Elements of Prod, Studio Prod, Design for Electronic Media, Proj Design & Plan w/ Proj Dev
Both general media and major specific students for class videos
Two videos for each major w/ General pulling from other majors, senior projects, and exra-curriculer

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