Leon Grek

From Mcgill Debate

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Leon Grek attended the University of Toronto School where he was President of the Classics society. Leon is pursuing a joint honors degree in Classics and English.

Tournament Results


  • Yale IV - Finalist (with Vinay Kumar Mysore), 9th Speaker
  • Queen's Chancellor's Cup - Quarterfinalist (with Margherita Wisdom-Devine), 5th speaker
  • World University Debating Championships - Octofinalist (breaking 6th, with Vinay Kumar Mysore)
  • APDA/CUSID North American Debating Championship - 9th team (with Padraic Scanlan), 8th speaker
  • CUSID National Debating Championship - 9th team (with Susannah Patton)

2005-2006 (Novice Year)

  • CUSID Central Novice Championship - Quarterfinalist (breaking 1st with Vinay Kumar Mysore), Top Speaker
  • Hart House Invitational - Top Novice Team (with Laura Berman)
  • McGill Novice In-House Second Semester - Top Team (with Vinay Kumar Mysore), Top Speaker

McGill Debating Union

  • 2007-2008 - Chair of Debates
  • 2006-2007 - Treasurer
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