Mario Hoops 3-on-3

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Revision as of 01:00, 15 January 2013 by (Talk)
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It seems that todays revresentatipes in the House, Congress, White House, and in Judiciary seem to feel it is their responsibility to be charitable with the taxpayers monies and benevolent to the criminals and non-law abiding citizens and illegal aliens who they think are so deserving of a handout. Anything given is not to long appreciated and soon it becomes expected. Charity should be from individuals who can more afford it, ie. Bill Gates, and ways and means should be established for those in hardship situations to work for their own relief if they are able. If you live in a disaster zone, earthquake, tornado, flood, hurricane, high crime enviornment expect and prepare for the worst and be able to repair the damages from your savings or insurance that you have paid for yourself. Be responsible for your actions and no-one else will have to be resonsible for you stupidity!

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