Wario Stadium

From Mariopedia

Revision as of 17:38, 14 September 2008 by (Talk)
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[edit] Description

Another Mario Kart, another Wario Stadium! Features ramps, boosts and rings of fire!

[edit] Walkthrough

Drift left, right slightly and then round the long left to a boost jump. After another long left is a mud field complete with booster islands. Boost between each island to get to the other side, with another left and two boost jumps through rings of fire. Note that lighter characters can be bumped in midair from other characters here and into the fire. After is a few snaking bends in mudfield with fire lines the dodge along the way. Stay on the right to boost twice over this hill, right over sets of terraces, drift left then one final boost jump to finish.

[edit] Shortcuts

In the snaky bend with lines of fire, you can cut them out by using a mushroom through the mud.

[edit] Other Tips

Place items in front of boosts to hopefully foil other oppenants.

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