
From Mariopedia

Revision as of 18:45, 8 March 2012 by (Talk)

Welcome to Mariopedia! If you're confused on how to edit a wiki, read this tutorial and find out! cEse1d Awesome blog.Thanks Again. Cool.



Getting around a wiki is made possible by links.Links are blue text that you click on and they take you to another page on the wiki.

To make a link,type this: [[link name here]]

However,you may want to call a link something it's title isn't.(ex:you want the Main Page to be called Bioniclepedia Main page)

All you do is:

[[link name here|what you want it called]]

All links are blue.If you have clicked on them before,they will be purple.If there is a link to a article that does not exist,it will be red.If you see a red link,you can click on the link to create the article.

If you are going to make a link take you to a certain paragraph on another page,type: [[link name#paragraph name]]


All articles are better is they have a picture. To make one,type: [[Pic name.gif]] This will give you a picture.

To control the size of the picture,type [[Pic name.gif|#px]]

To put the picture on the left or right side of the screen,type this: [[Pic name.gif|left or right]]

And,finally,to give the picture a border and put some text in it,type: [[Pic name.gif|frame|what you want in the border]]


Titles separate a page into sections. To make one,type:==title name==

A big title is what you get

To make a subtitle,put three = instead of two

A second subtitle is made by four ='s

Third subtitles are five ='s
Fourth,six ='s


Categorys are what puts articles into the right group.To know all the categorys available,click here To put a category on an article type: [[Category:whatever the category is]]

Other minor stuff

You can do other things on a wiki too to make the article look better.For example,if you want a blank title,you can just type ----
This will give you a line:

Also,if you are getting frustrated because you hit ENTER and the pic is still appearing beside the text,you can type <br> and this will automacticly
line you are working on. This page is incomplete. Please help complete it.

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