Mar de Cristal
From Mardecristal
Mar de Cristal is a federal republic located in the southern part of the Newfoundland Peninsula, separated from continental North America by the Crystal Sea, for which the republic is named.
The capital city is La Luz, at the western tip. The triangular country is separated from the Dominion of New Wales to the northeast by the Sierra Azul; to the south is the Atlantic Ocean, and to the northwest, the Crystal Sea. The French possession of Île Saint-Jude is located just off of La Luz, while the British island of Bermuda is to the south.
A former colony of Spain, Mar de Cristal was made up from the union of three colonies: Sierra Azul, San Gabriel, and Costa Moscada. It is divided into the following comarcas:
- Costa Moscada (capital: Miraflores)
- San Gabriel (capital: San Gabriel)
- Valenzuela (capital: Valenzuela)
- Nueva Valladolid (capital: Nueva Valladolid)
- Río de la Tempestad (capital: San Elmo)
- Los Lagos (capital: Puerto Santa Fe)
- Etxebarria (capital: Arcedo)
- La Guardia (capital: Gracias a Dios)
- Milfuentes (capital: Milfuentes)
There is one territory, Sierra Azul, whose capital is Jaca; the capital of La Luz is enclosed in the Distrito Federal.